Its our 2nd anniversary today folks, 2 years ago the community coders and help teams got the first bunch of folks back on MX after three days of feverish activity.
For those of you who may not know what occured and why this day is important to WinMxers, heres the story.
In the weeks following the infamous Grokster Case in the US that stated P2P developers could be held liable
if they encouraged folks into obtaining copyrighted material, the recording industry decided this was good enough to pursue even those companies that had
never done so, they do after all have the money to waste unlike the P2P developers who in the case of WinMx received all their income from one advertisement on their home page, like many P2P programmers at the time the WinMx developers decided that rather than to fight to win the case but end up bankrupt due to ever escalating legal fees it was an option to close down their program.
In the case of WinMX this was done by closing the connection method (Peer Caches) to the users, over time the still connected group would have shrunk to nothing and all would have been lost.
I,m sure there are many stories to tell and some topics have been twisted over the years from when they where originally said but all that is mere window dressing, what occurred was one of the most fantastic things ever to have happened to a p2p network,
it would not die, the entire community rose up and connected together to swap tech info, give users news updates and help keep users together while they waited patiently on other networks so no one would get lost or lose faith.
Three days passed each one filled with more and more users desperately trying to find a way to connect and each one being told the same thing, "
have patience", not once did the confidence of the community flag and on this day two years ago that confidence was rewarded, the tech folks came through and delivered the required tools to keep the community alive. The patch was born.
Since then the community has been regrowing and will continue to grow despite small setbacks and internal strife amongst various groups, the community knows now that whatever challenges the future brings their fellow users will step forward to offer help where needed and fit together like a global jigsaw to solve any problem, teamwork at its finest by commited users who share the dreams and hopes of many.
As usual I can only thank those whom I know did a lot personally and this is a good time for some of you unsung folks to tell some of your reconnection tales that you may have been busting to tell, lets hear how the shutdown affected you, each and every one of you who waited those 3 long days is worthy of a special mention in my book, lets hear from you
Our eternal thanks and those of the WinMx users, go out to all those who did what was necessary, when it was necessary, the community holds you all in continued respect.
My own special thanks go to Drac who arrived bearing gifts that where more precious that gold, thank you my friend