Thats not going to be an easy thing to do Cobra, it is possible to spot them at certain stages of activity but its not something in general most ppl with have either the tools or the time for, perhaps we need a special tool or strategy to help us all identify those who need our help ?
Atm though we are watching the situation and the uptake creeps up slowly but surely and ressuringly enough we are seeing plenty of test installs going on, a sure sign of either an upgrader or a new user.
The real reason for the slowly slowly approach is that in previous efforts to get ppl to update some folks got into fights and arguments, its the feeling here that common sense and the desire to have the best tools for helping you use WinMX will prevail in a drama-less fashion, we are of course working with to monitor the user and flooder counts as that provides a further indicator of take up and we are happy that this is what is occuring slowly but surely.
In short answer then, yes but not easily and I thank you for making such a fine effort Cobra, without users taking the initiative to share the burden of bringing stability to the network the conversion rate would likely be a lot less and the problems we all faced would be around for a lot longer.
Thanks from us all for your time and effort Cobra