Hi Taksina,
Without knowing more about how your ISP operates its hard to suggest to you what is the cause of this. Usually if uploads
all time out that would suggest issues with port forwarding or with a firewall on the system.
First make sure your ports are open by going here:
http://winmx.dnsalias.com/scan/scan.cgiIf this says your TCP is open then yes, the ISP may have issues.
I expect this will tell you that your TCP is closed. Then we need to recheck port forwarding, and make sure WinMX is allowed with ports in either Vista firewall, or firewall you use now, or both.
And also make sure Windows Defender (if you have it running) WinMX is allowed.
You can also try setting ports in WinMX to '
Unable', Go to Settings > Incoming TCP > set to Unable.
Open In/Out UDP > Set to Unable.
Restart WinMX as Secondary user, and see if things work correctly. (if they do work like this, your ISP is NOT to blame).