There are lots of reasons that you might be experiencing this problem Darkness.
One is some of the ISP's out there are blocking certain ports, although this is usually not affecting peoples downloads. You can try changing your port numbers in WinMX to see if this helps you, click
Changing Your Portsettings to learn how.
Another is yes the evil spyware
, unless you have run some programs like
Adaware ,
Spybot S&D to get rid of any hidden files running and steeling your bandwidth.
Also be sure to not only run your
Anti-virus you have on your computer but also do an online scan too, like one of these
Trend Micro Virus Scan and
BitDefender Online Virus Scan.
Be sure you have run both of those spyware programs while in
Safe Mode and do the online scans.
If you do this and its still the same then I suggest you come by the room on WinMX and let us help you test your speeds.