KM, i don't know whether you are now at work or sleeping... but hoping that you are not asleep,
please read this:
1) Do you plan to release the source code for the WCS Unix version some day ? Lol, i'm just joking... I know
in advance you answer.
1*) What about getting rid of the config.ini and adding instead a scripting engine to WCS ?
Say a LUA extension... By this way the WCS host could use some script and an API interface provided by WCS
which to me seems something more powerful than a config.ini is...
I saw this in a couple of programs... a DC hub server program if i'm not wrong...
Maybe nobody will be able to write down extensions for the WCS Server, but this will at least give host the feeling
to have something to play with, the reason FXS is now getting more popular...being more configurable than WCS.
I'm just thinking about a chat server programmable, not only configurable...