I have used winmx off and on for about two years. I had a older version which I believe was 3.53 maybe beta and it did'nt connect. When searching for help I found the new version 4.7.5? Which is what I have now.
I have also switched from dial up to highspeed in the last year but still was able to maintain connection with Winmx.
In November 08 I was unable to connect and as far as i know, nothen has changed. It says it's detecting a freiwall but I have turned them off just to get through.
I don't know alot about this kind of stuff but do do well in general with computers. I have windows vista, highspeed internet, and the version 4.7.6. I have also tried older versions and they to do not connect. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still nothen.
I have also allowed windows to let the program through.
Any suggestions would be aprpeciated.