Ok first I want to say sorry for the repeat subject but I have scoured through other posts to try to find the solution myself and I still am stuck at square one.
I can dl mp3, vids, pics just fine. Uploading...not. When the uploading comes up, the message says...."waiting for incoming connection" then follows "timed out (waiting for connection)". I have tried opening the ports on my firewall, router. I tried to take off winmx in the firewalls and then open winmx and have the firewall ask me to allow it and still cant upload. I went to open port checker and dl the portforward.com tool and still get the message that the ports are closed and can't be reached. I followed the instructions on the site on everything and still no avail. I must be doing something wrong or missing something. I had no probs up and dl files in the past. I have changed internet providers. Can someone help me please? I have files that I want to share with people also. I feel kinda bad that I can receive but can't give. ;>) Anyhoo, this is what I'm working with.
I'm using WinXp SP3, my router is Netgear WGR614v6, Comcast is my internet provider. I'm using McAfee for the firewall (v10.15) and somehow the windows firewall is on too. I'm the only one that uses this computer and I have it set as admin. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....loading!