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winmx unfair
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:25:48 am »
whats going on i join a que at number 27 then 30 min later im number 38, while in the mean time 6 people have downloded off me and i've downloaded nothing, i dont get this...its unfair i never get to the end of a que,. if you 27 in a que it should go down over time but in winmx you can end up at the end of a que ITS UNFAIR!!!


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Re: winmx unfair - PS
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 03:49:35 am »
winmx = waste of time use torrents instead at least you'll be able to download something. 'Winmx' sit in a que of 100+ people and then get disconnected when its your turn to download, while in the mean time everyone downloads off you. waste of time!!!!


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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 06:25:26 am »
just happened again was 5 in the que now im 12. what the f**k is going on!!  waste of time!!

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 09:11:51 am »
ok it is possible your winmx could have refreshed and reconnected if you are on secondary connection,
it will try to re-queue on incomplete file son your transfers page, putting you at the back of the queue again,

also some files are rare and if not many people have them, you will find long queue's as opposed to something everyone has,
winmx do not control who can and can't download, individual settings by users like limit to 1 download at a time slows the queue down a lot,

i always whois looking to see if they have a long queue and look for the (0 or 0 available) this means nobody connects until the user chooses to allow.

this is probably of little help to you, its just general stuff.

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 06:08:35 pm »
Thanks Max, i've calmed down now, I'll give it another go. its just me not really understanding how Winmx works, never really got what all that stuff in the transfer window means. i should read the tutorials.

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 06:23:39 pm »
If you are not sharing yourself you could be getting bumped down peoples lists in favour of others or as max pointed out they could be rare files so long queues.... sometimes a polite pm to the file holder can reap rewards ....Winmx can be frustrating at time but also can be very rewarding.... if its movies or music you are after think about joining one of the rooms this is probably the best way to get starts on certain files and also usefull for help and advice.

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2010, 12:12:12 am »
In general I myself try not to join ques as it can be quite aggravating, however sometimes you have to and sometimes the user is one of those who is selfish, I never let this spoil my enjoyment of WinMX as what comes around goes around and such ppl are not as common as you may think.

As the advice above states Toneill78, make sure your sharing something, look for alternative srcs using the "find sources now" in the "transfers" window and make sure your using the community patch as some rather nasty folks out there are actually just a computer program run by companies employed by the recording industry and will ensure you will wait forever for a non existent file, using the community patch allows you to lose such parasites, and of course be patient and let WinMX run overnight and work automatically for you, morning often brings a surprise.

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 02:24:01 pm »
something similar happens to me often enough to be irritating... was 98 and 97 in que for 40+ hours for two files, woke up this morning to find that they were red and i was no longer in que... figured those people shutdown their computers... but no, in the search window i clicked on the files again, just to see what would happen, and lo - i'm still connected and now at 91 and 92 in que... so now i wait for two more days... and will probably have the same result... these are not rare files.... the search wndow is full and more full with returns... i try for the highest quality files, that always have a long que... but it is very irritating to wait your turn, and for whatever reason, get bumped out, and then have to start all over again... i usually find that the lower quality files (at least the videos) are always available, its the higher quality ones that have the long ques... and it sometimes seems like "you're not on the list" at the door to your favorite club....
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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2010, 03:13:50 pm »
it could be these are fakes, they can often have 100+ in a queue and you will never get to download,
fake results are normally high speed and high birate, knowing people want them,
on the other hand they could be someone limiting to 1 download at a time and someone on a slower connection is taking forever to get something large, or try a whois, see if they have 0 of 0 available, they will probably never start you or anyone using this hack,

personally i would go for an immediately available download with a lesser birate, i dont want to sit in a queue for days, weeks, months

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 03:46:56 pm »
have you tried "find more sources" on that particular download allready?
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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2010, 11:32:51 pm »
@max; ive noticed an odd behavior in all versions of mx where if a user has more than 200 in queue they will show as having slots available even tho whois shows all slots are taken... not sure this is faked but there are a lot of users that seem quite real that this happenes with... (anyone willing to do experements with this?)

@toneill; go for 192s on mp3 320s are near impossible at times -- or search for more esotric formats such as ogg or aac/mp4 ....
and as always make sure there is more than once source for the file that you are after if you want good results...

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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2010, 01:00:30 am »
mx where if a user has more than 200 in queue they will show as having slots available even tho whois shows all slots are taken... not sure this is faked but there are a lot of users that seem quite real that this happenes with... (anyone willing to do experements with this?)

i think this could be a normal mxmoni function Stripes
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Re: winmx unfair
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2010, 06:23:55 am »
from what i know of my queue, it never gets above 20, so i cant test that theory,
i have seen people with around 180-200 in a queue, i assumed they was fake, sometimes browsing shows they harvest porn, this could be a reason they have a large queue.

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