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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  NZ Authors Demanding Compulsory Blanket 'You Must Be A Criminal' Internet Charge

Author Topic: NZ Authors Demanding Compulsory Blanket 'You Must Be A Criminal' Internet Charge  (Read 646 times)

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With New Zealand's copyright reform proposal still being discussed, we're hearing about some really ridiculous proposals to make it even worse. We already noted the idea of a full internet ban for users found to be infringing, and Glyn Moody Michael Scott points us to a proposal from "The Society of Authors" in New Zealand saying that there should be a blanket licensing fee for anyone accessing content online. Yes, basically they're asking for free money, backed by a government proposal. Rather than having to actually work  to put together a business model, they want the government to just tell ISPs to collect a fee from everyone and then they'll figure out a way to give it to some authors.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  NZ Authors Demanding Compulsory Blanket 'You Must Be A Criminal' Internet Charge

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