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Author Topic: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline  (Read 1801 times)

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Offline Knot4Prophet

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DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« on: November 24, 2010, 08:47:21 am »
Since I've made a few posts about the de-PRi-vaty of a certain fellow on WinMx, lo and behold, my cohost and I have been subjected to days of Denial of Service attacks (DDOS).

I wonder who could possibly be responsible?

*whispers Pri's buddy JOSH*

Now perhaps WinMx-ers are beginning to see the true nature of the beast lurking among us.  In the 6+ years I've been hosting on WinMx, never have cohosts or I been knocked offline, not once.  There are very few people with the knowledge and resources to carry out such illegalities.  Whose feathers have I so recently ruffled?  Hmmmmmmmmmm.   : )

Be sure of one thing, you miscreant upstarts, there is no way to shut me up, or take down my chat rooms.  The more I'm attacked, the more it strengthens my resolve.  And there are forces aligning against you as I type this.  I hope you realize what you've gotten yourselves into.

Nothing can stop me speaking out against injustice, inequality, and now... illegality.  I'll teach you all about principled tenacity, since I'm so gracious.

Lock this thread and I'll just open ten more.

Who thinks DOS'ing people for expressing their opinions is part of the ethos of WinMx?  

Who thinks that critics should be silenced, on a p2p network that has stood for freedom of information since its inception?  

Who thinks anyone but Pri and Josh would have the resources, knowledge and inclination to carry out such underhanded actions as trying to silence me for speaking out against inequality, hypocrisy and pretension?

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Offline ']['affy

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 09:45:04 am »
and where's your proof this is happening? and by josh?you shouldnt go around acussing ppl without any proof

Offline Knot4Prophet

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 09:52:31 am »
and where's your proof this is happening? and by josh?you shouldnt go around acussing ppl without any proof

Nowhere did I directly accuse anyone, Taffy.  Try reading it again.  I'm merely suggesting who is most likely responsible, based on recent events.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 11:19:00 am »
I'd suggest you start logging these attacks Knot and lodge a complaint with the ISP and perhaps contact your own ISP for help in the matter.

Your post seems a bit vauge, I'm not sure how we can help you or what you are trying to say.
If you don't need/want help, going by what you have written and your response to Taffy it seems that the thrust of you post is that you want to community to know you are having some trouble with your server.

If you are not attempting to suggest that Pri and or Josh are responsible for this issue you are having, I fail to see why you have mentioned them at all.

Perhaps if you get some logs someone here can provide more assistance. If you don't have the knowledge or capability to log these things I'm sure someone could help you with that too.

Could you please take the time to clarify what you need?

Offline Knot4Prophet

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2010, 12:03:17 pm »
I am attempting to suggest that Pri and/or Josh are responsible.  I said I'm not accusing them directly.  My cohost and I were knocked offline at the exact same time, the other day.  She's been getting usage of 2 - 6 GB per day while doing nothing but hosting.  All this started shortly after I posted about this fellow.

I have been furnished with the tools to log details of any further attacks and I will forward such logs to the necessary people I have spoken with, if and when the attacks continue.  Thank-you for your suggestions.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Offline ']['affy

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2010, 12:20:02 pm »
I wonder who could possibly be responsible?

*whispers Pri's buddy JOSH*

by putting a name in you are accusing him so check it yaself

Offline GhostShip

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2010, 01:02:07 pm »
I would strongly urge anyone making allegations of wrongdoing to deliver facts instead of casting shadows, we all know dirt sticks and thus we have a moral responsibility to at least ensure we have the facts all legal aspects aside, I ask you Knot to exercise restraint on this matter at least until you have gathered some data  that you believe demonstrates the facts.

Offline hussam

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2010, 05:30:09 pm »
Why are those that do activity's  like that not frowned upon? Is doing attack's  to someones internet illegal?  And above it was said what proof is there it happened ?  There was 33 people in the room when it happened that can if need be post on this forum that it indeed  did happen, I really don't understand how malicious acts like this are not taken seriously, no matter what words are said to anyone online  attacking them as what did happen is not justified

Offline Knot4Prophet

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2010, 05:43:18 pm »
Oh come on.  Since when does WMW care about people accusing others of illegality?

Here's an except from the WMW room the other night, where admins were present while Pri spread nefarious slanderous bullshit lies which have been negated HERE:

22/11/2010 04:29:36   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   a proxy user, a confrontational person, someone who comes to rooms and swears at hosts, disregards bans, a 40 yearold dating a 15 yearold girl he met online
22/11/2010 04:29:44   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   someone who is lets say a black mark on the whole of winmx
22/11/2010 04:29:49   Tim  ™ i wasn't swearing at u
22/11/2010 04:29:50   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   someone I dont want in my room
22/11/2010 04:29:55   Tim  ™ and i'm not dating anyone
22/11/2010 04:29:59   Tim  ™ spurious lies, now
22/11/2010 04:30:09   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   well maybe you should ask your girlfriend her opinion on that
22/11/2010 04:30:10   Tim  ™ watches u descend into slander
22/11/2010 04:30:12   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   as she thinks different.
22/11/2010 04:30:18   Tim  ™ who might that be?
22/11/2010 04:30:20   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   Zoe
22/11/2010 04:30:28   Tim  ™ oh, she's never said anything of the sort


22/11/2010 04:37:29   Tim  ™ so, is the ban lifted then?
22/11/2010 04:37:33   Tim  ™ shall i make my return?
22/11/2010 04:37:34   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   ban will never be lifted.
22/11/2010 04:37:37   Tim  ™ lol
22/11/2010 04:37:48   Tim  ™ aye, of course not, coward
22/11/2010 04:37:52   ®ÊN  Pri  {5*}   we dont want pedophiles in our room.

So don't hand me any bull**** about WMW giving flying **** about accusations being levelled.

And I didn't even accuse anyone, as I said, I'm merely suggesting what is patently obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Since I'm a WinMx host and I'm being discussed on the hidden WinMx Hosts forum here, I demand to be added to the discussion.  Or, I can always just get logs of that and post that too.  You choose.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2010, 06:09:06 pm »
This is rapidly becoming a paranoid persecution complex that Knot wants the whole WinMx world to become spectators to. Dealing with it in the correct way wouldn’t achieve that.  It's saying more about Knot himself than anything else. ;)

Offline Knot4Prophet

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2010, 06:15:50 pm »
Listen here, person on their knees, there is an army of people who can verify both me and my cohost were knocked offline shortly after I began posting about this.

And you were present in WMW help room while slanderous, illegal accusations were made against me by Pri (cited above), and you did nothing, said nothing.  So your attempts to look unbiased or even reasonable are laughable at best, malicious at worst.

And it says a lot about you.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Offline Knot4Prophet

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2010, 06:20:11 pm »
Incidentally here is a private message I've received from a friend on WinMx:

"there is a section on wmw called the host section not viewable to the public and you have to have permission to view it, on there they are duscusing and takin the piss out of you especially Pri you have to ask to be added to the hosts section"

I demand to be added to this forum where I'm being discussed.  I am a WinMx host for 6+ years.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Offline Stevi

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2010, 06:41:43 pm »
Might I suggest police uniforms for a select few for the chat network... What occurs in chat rooms is up to the host, cohost, or admins present. I know you know this but, there is a pop-up message saying to enter the rooms using caution because they are not moderated. What happens between two chat rooms is not the concern of WMW, or other such parties.

Options were given to handle the situation, and no other posts need be made, especially ones using vial language and slanderous statements.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: DOS Attacks Knocking Me and Cohost Offline
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2010, 06:58:25 pm »
This discussion is now locked. Enough is enough!

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