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Author Topic: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition  (Read 1882 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« on: December 09, 2010, 11:35:28 am »

DDoS attacks are flying across the Internet like there is no tomorrow.  Just a few days ago, a hacktivist operating under the handle “th3j35t3r” decided to single-handedly take down the Wikileaks website with a DoS tool of his (or their) own creation.  He issued a statement on Twitter shortly after explaining that the attacks against the WikiLeaks website were made for “attempting to endanger the lives of our troops, ‘other assets’ & foreign relations.”   According to our statistics, his attacks resulted in 1 day 3 hours and 50 minutes of downtime for WikiLeaks before the site was completely yanked offline by Amazon and EveryDNS.

On the other side of the attack spectrum, the anonymous attackers involved in Operation:Payback have vowed to take a temporary break from their mega-assault on the entertainment industry in order to spend some time helping WikiLeaks.  Their first attack has been set on PayPal, after the U.S. based company closed its doors on WikiLeaks citing an AUP violoation.

Site Interruptions Downtime

                             (interruptions)       (h:m)        77               8:19               55            33:08 61            33:07           11            13:00                  4              0:31      8             0:12
ADVBYRA.SE                  32             5:11                  8              0:25
TOTAL                         256               94 hours

I had intended to add some graphics, but for some mysterious reason they won't copy over.  :gum:

To read the full article in depth go to :

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 05:29:19 am »
Wikileaks needs a douche. My network connections are being affected by that assholes little group of hackers and their idiotic flood attacks on whoever they decide to dislike for no reason. Its even screwing with WinMX.
I said it before, ill say it again. He should be brought before a firing squad. Anyone and everyone else involved in the slightest way, should be arrested as a terrorist. Terror is terror. I dont give a royal F!#k if its Al-Queda or some jerk from England. His moronic actions are affecting me personally. I am less than amused. They whine 'free speech'. Funny how their idea of 'free speech' removes my right to the same thing. If he wants free speech, let him write a nice paper and pass it out in a parking lot at some walmart location. This shit has got to stop, one way or another.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 08:12:28 am »
'Anonymous' and Wikileaks are two different entities.... might want to do some research before pointing a finger....

Offline GhostShip

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 08:19:14 pm »
I can understand your annoyance with some of what wikileaks has disseminated ML but please don't let the mass media obscure your perceptions of reality.

When folks are killed indiscriminately by military forces I call that terror or even war crimes, however as the various governmental military forces will never admit to their actions it leads to a inbuilt system of corruption and lies based on the immoral "my country right or wrong" ethic.

Really are you saying you prefer to complain about a guy with a big mouth and a fistful of of embarrassing messages between diplomats over those who kill innocent men woman and children with no remorse , I know whats more acceptable to me as a human being.

It must be made very clear here that all governments engage in dirty tricks of one sort or another and we must always remember that in most cases any specific gov is not an accurate weather vane of the will of the populace thus many folks including patriots are sickened by mindless killing and atrocities and I for one can see why pvt Manning had taken it upon himself to attempt to restore some sense of openness and honesty in what seems to be a swampy mess of half truths and second guessing.
I,m not sure its been helpful to have such material under the public glare but as humans we must resist the urge to divide amongst ourselves and should endeavour to remember if we treat folks with respect its often repaid manyfold.

Offline achilles

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 09:04:57 am »
For someone to be so high, and mighty on human rights he has totally disregarded the safety of many peoples lives. The cable he published about the United States having a well placed source that has confirmed that the Chinese Government is directly responsible for making many attempts at hacking Google should have never been published. What the hell does he think is going to happen to the source when and if the Chinese Government figures out who that source is?! For God sacks! Just look at what the Chinese Government did to Liu Xiaobo for his effort in fighting for human rights in China.  He just won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Chinese gave him 11 years for just exercising freedom of speech which does not exist in China. This is only 1 cable of many cables that should have not been published. He should not be releasing  documents that risk getting innocent people killed. These documents are clearly damaging the United States effort in foreign relations. I believe he does it for his own ego or feeling of self worth. I'm not sure that he has broken any laws doing what he has done since he is not a United States Citizen, but he clearly should have not published many of the documents he did.  
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2010, 12:04:43 pm »
this line of mentality (achilles and ML) frighten me.... would you rather the cables go down the 'memory hole' ? after all '1984' was a novel not a manual.....

julian isnt publishing anything from behind bars... there is more to wikileaks than just him... FFS quit watching TV 'news' ppl...

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2010, 01:35:08 pm »
The big thing about wikileaks is it puts nobody's lives in danger.

The only thing in danger is the egos and reputations of our 'leaders'
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But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2010, 10:39:20 pm »
Tbh I feel its pretty unfair to expose the "dirty washing" that is diplomacy of one country in the absence of matching revelations regarding the private words of other countries diplomats, but lifes not fair that is clear I hope to anyone.

My suggestion is this, lets all agree as friends that whatever the leaks of the future may reveal we will stay above such politics, our governments are not us directly (mores the pity) and its us the mass citizens of the world who can chose to be at peace with our global neighbours even if the governments of this world play "power chess", united as friends we stand together under a common banner of humanity, a few words by some ambassador somewhere are not going to change that unless we overreact and let it, bad words must never be allowed to divide from our collective sense of what it is to be peaceloving and human.

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