On or around Sept 16th, 2005 the makers of WinMX.exe were sent a letter from the RIAA threatening them with litigation if they didnt cease and desist their business.
Frontcode never made any money off of the WinMX program, and although most folks feel they could have easily won this case its more a matter of who had more money. I am sure you already realize that the RIAA would win that battle...
So on Sept. 20th, 2005 Frontcode complied and shut down the peer caches that we all use to connect to the Network. This means that anyone that disconnected could not get back.
Since then, on Sept. 23rd a few groups of dedicated users came up with a solution and we opened our own Peer caches to allow you to connect.
Now we are on a mission to tell the world that WinMX is back and not going anywhere :twisted:
And if you see any of the RIAA folks on their way to work one day, you can tell em for me 'Nice try, Better luck next time...'