Something for the roomies to play with.
They can find out if they have a boy or girl computer.
The VB code is not mine and can be found on the internet.
Add the below line to the bottom of MXC.xml file in Plugins folder.
<include file="Malefemale.xml"/>
Save the below code to your Plugins folder as: Malefemale.xml
<command type="script">
<in>!boy or girl</in>
<out>#c51#Is Your Computer a #c7#Boy#c51# or a #c60#Girl#c51#?</out>
<out>#c51#It’s pretty easy to find out what gender your computer is.</out>
<out>#c51#Follow these instructions and you’ll see.</out>
<out>#c51# 1) Open your notepad</out>
<out>#c51# 2) Type or copy paste:#c66# CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I love you"</out>
<out>#c51# 3) Save as computers_sex.vbs</out>
<out>#c51# 4) Run the file</out>
<out>#c51#If you hear a male voice, congratulations, you have a #c7#boy#c51#. If woman’s, well, it’s a #c60#girl#c51#.</out>