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Author Topic: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself  (Read 11775 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« on: February 18, 2011, 04:23:24 am »
Earlier on today folks I was made aware of a user sharing information and some src codes obviously acquired from this site or its trusted members of a worrying nature, suffice to say its the sort of material we didn't want to fall into bad hands and it seems to have done just that, the user was deliberately hiding behind a proxy on two distinct days and from the collection of material they where sharing one name has sprung to mind as being the likely src of the leak, however the damage is likely done and no doubt in the coming weeks and months we could see attacks and disruptions take place that will be costly in terms of retaining users, during the damage limitation effort I added this guys IP to the blocklist to prevent his coming onto the network and repeating his anti-winmx actions, obviously a temp fix at best but more a sign of our resolve to stop this problem getting out of control.

For my troubles some of the users of the chat room I was in felt I was overstepping the mark in protecting you all, suffice to say I,m making this post so they and all others can read plainly here that when and if any attacks start I will take no hand to fix them, I,m sure this action will make many more of you angry but I cannot see any other way of folks getting the message that they need to take responsibility for their actions and their support of attacks against the network or the network infrastructure, as of today I resign from my job here, now you guys who support breaking winmx can pat yourself on the back, job well done.

My heartfelt apologies to the rest of you, I hope over the years I have given you loyal service and always tried to keep things rolling in a manner that benefits you all, I just feel when you become a figure of hate alongside folks sharing an enormous  quantity of material for exploits and being hailed as heroes this is not the winmx I wish to fight for tooth and nail, I will lurk about behind the scenes here I hope as a technical advisor but that will be the full extend of my activities which other staff are already in place to deliver, its been a long road folks and I have enjoyed every moment of it but now's as good a time as ever to get out of the inevitable path of destruction I believe we will see shortly thank to a few selfish theives.

I admit I will miss the cut and thust of discussions here but perhaps it really is time to hand over the baton to a fresher face, Take care all and thanks for having trust in me for so many years, you have kept me smiling everyday and I hope I have returned that to many of you.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 09:22:26 am »
It's with great regret and a lot of sadness that I read your post. I can understand how you feel. My first thought is to ask you to reconsider. There's are those that do and those that sit on the sidelines and snipe. You have always been one of those that just gets on with the job. I can understand your disappointment at not being able to trust some people, but that is the way of the world. I suppose our collective failing has been to not let you know just how much your efforts have been appreciated. I'm not even sure who could take over the role that you have undertaken over the years. Let me just say, please reconsider.

Offline reef

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 10:18:38 am »
Well Ghost theres always ppl around who would rather destroy things than create. I been on this forum a good number of years now and havent always agreed with yer opinions or particular stances you've taken, but 1 thing i do know (and i think anybody with a decent set of peepers on them know) that u bleed winmx and always have winmx's best interests at heart and your always ready and willing to lend a hand. You might think a lot of what u do goes unnoticed, but you just may be surprised. WinMX wouldnt be the same without ya and people wouldnt rest as easy knowing that the ole faithful Ghost isnt around to help fix things up. So i personally have to repeat what Bees has already said and hope that u reconsider and keep up the good fight. Theres always good days along with some bad, but things always get better at some point.Hang in there m8 and hold onto what means so much to you and what you've given so much of yer time and hard work to keep alive.

Never give up


I'm out of town right now attending to some not so pleasant family matters for awhile and not a helluva lot of pc time but i sure do hope the next time i'm on here to see this post saying that u chalked it up as a bad day and have got yer game face back on and ready to once again proudly defend this network and willing to take on any and all challenges that might come its way. Cheerz bud and have a laugh and a smile and remember things aren't always as bad as what ya might have originally thought   :)

Offline achilles

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 01:23:52 pm »
I would hate to see you go Ghostship!! I hope you reconsider!!
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline achilles

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 01:33:11 pm »
What kind of attacks can be made with the info that was compromised?  Attacks on the site or network or both? Also are members of the site at risk of their info being stolen?
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline Will

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 03:24:29 pm »
A very sad day for us all indeed and I'm sure we all feel the same way and would hate to see you throw in the towel just because some idiot demands attention :(.

Offline Stevi

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 05:59:20 pm »
Wow, I dont come on for a few weeks and this happens. I really hate to see you go Ghost, you have been a real inspiration to many users to keep this network alive. I extend my gratitude for everything you have done!

Offline Max™

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 07:43:05 pm »
GS, the others are right, we cant imagine winmxworld without you,
please reconsider your resignation, stay and continue to stand for what you know is right, we stand beside you.

Try Connecting, the attacks may let you

Offline Bluehaze

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 08:10:09 pm »
Thanks for all you have done, and are doing Ghostship. I think it is clear that without your efforts and your companions' efforts here since the Frontcode shutdown, the cartel would have long since completely crushed the network. I am sorry about the compromised information and code. You have done a great deal of work indeed for a very long time, and I know it is difficult to deal with the hard headedness and ignorance of some. I know you intend the best, simply that those who put out information irresponsibly might learn better. Am glad you intend to stay around even if behind the scenes. Here's hoping you will reconsider resigning your post here.

Thank you, and please reconsider.
"As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish,"
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Offline bu44er

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 09:37:41 pm »
Personally Ghost, I do not want to see you go. I know we have not always seen eye to eye, but I have my opinions on how and what you do. From what i have seen, you work hard and you never rest when it comes to helping people. Please reconsider your resignation, I think a better way would be to let people around you to support you and help you thru this time.
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2011, 11:09:12 pm »
well.... this sucks... i was moreso hoping to see MX fade out rather than go down in a blaze but.... as the poem says; "The best laid schemes of mice and men Go often askew, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!"

for those pleading with ghost to stick around... good greif folks... give the guy a break.... after all... how long has it been now? and how much crap has been thrown around? ... one can only put so much weight in the bed of one pickup truck before something 'blows out' ... seems a bit selfish does it not?

however this turns out one cant say its not been an interesting ride ... to say the least...

Offline Joshua203

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2011, 01:22:14 am »
I don't know whát to say, if someone would've told me that you were leaving GS... I would probably say "Bullsh*t ...unrtue etc etc", but since I just read it with my own eyes I can only say I'm sorry you feel this way!

We have not always agreed on everything (mostly non technical) but hey that's how life is! ...people have opinions and they differ sometimes from one another.

Being able to view in the core section I can only wonder what leaked but eventhough I am curious about that I don't expect to be told, I am still gratefull for your trust granting me to have access to that section/info.
I can't imagine who and why someone would use this trust by sharing this info publicly.

Ghost I wish you all the best and IF you ever regret stepping down just don't hesitate and hurry back.

Thanks for all your time and effort in the past  :bow:

Take care,
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Offline thunderwinds

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2011, 01:55:20 am »
I realy hat to see you go.  Winmxworld won't be the same.  I hope you reconsider

Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2011, 02:03:11 am »
Well this is somewhat of a shock. Still one can't bash their head against a brick wall forever.
Ghostship, your contribution to the winmx community has been immeasurable.

The WinMxWorld site has not been compromised. No data or content has been stolen, but a trusted user has done the unthinkable.
Someone who was once trusted, has clearly displayed that they care nothing for the network and are pursuing their own agenda.

With Ghostship leaving, it certainly reduces the resources available to winmxworld and leaves the knowledge that ghostship had, spread among a number of people in the community. The important thing is that this knowledge is still held within the community.

With the team backing the community patch, the resources the network relies on are now spread on a strong foundation with a sizeable talent pool within the community. Ghostship leaves the network and the community well positioned to serve the needs of the user base into the future.

While Ghostship is stepping away from WinMxWorld, the client project is still ongoing.

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2011, 02:57:19 am »
Ghost. Get your butt going again. Any challenge is an adventure. Why all the secrecy about 'a trusted user'. Name them. Print out the used ip(s) as well. What are they going to do get mad and leave? What is confusing to me as well is:
A) what source code? Nothing in this sites archives blatently tells how to screw the network.
B) he/she or it has been using a proxy? Solution, block any and all proxy ips. It isnt that difficult. I block the entire Tor network all the time from my room. It isnt difficult to find out all the nodes worldwide and block them in real time.
C) What source code was exposed? Not the exact code... In what area?
Was it caches? Secondary? Or even though as far as I know, know one alive on the planet knows how it works... Primary?
I can block god himself from my computer. Doesnt matter if hes on some ip list of known tards or using a proxy.
Reconsider your decision please.

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2011, 03:14:44 am »
Ghost. Get your butt going again. Any challenge is an adventure. Why all the secrecy about 'a trusted user'. Name them. Print out the used ip(s) as well. What are they going to do get mad and leave? What is confusing to me as well is:
A) what source code? Nothing in this sites archives blatently tells how to screw the network.
B) he/she or it has been using a proxy? Solution, block any and all proxy ips. It isnt that difficult. I block the entire Tor network all the time from my room. It isnt difficult to find out all the nodes worldwide and block them in real time.
C) What source code was exposed? Not the exact code... In what area?
Was it caches? Secondary? Or even though as far as I know, know one alive on the planet knows how it works... Primary?
I can block god himself from my computer. Doesnt matter if hes on some ip list of known tards or using a proxy.
If its sources for the cache, maybe you should just make the source public information. How many people are using MX? How many people want MX to go away? do the math. If a ton of peeps are serving caches globally good luck for the bad guys trying to crash it. There is power in numbers. With certain adjustments, the gold mine that the cartel thinks they have can be rendered useless requiring no changes to the actual WPN. Power lies in decentralization, if many are doing different things to keep the network up, the bad guys can spend themselves off the planet. Crushing it still isnt going to work. Opennap is still functional using whatever OS software. Have they broken that yet? No. And that is dinosaur technology.

Reconsider your decision please.

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2011, 03:27:22 am »
Oh and although I dont have the source code, just an exe... I wish I did have the source code, can keep my self busy doing something interesting in 'C++'... oops! I mean 'C'. '++' is confusing for no real reason that cant be solved by plain old C... all that aside...
Ill clicky my own cache server and collect more data for it to store in case that will be needed in the future for me to connect. Something like if I collect functional connections and connect via myself, what can anyone who doesnt like it going to do? Launch a pre-emptive thermonuclear attack against the US?
There are always ways around any problem.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2011, 04:10:25 am »
oops! I mean 'C'. '++' is confusing for no real reason that cant be solved by plain old C...

warms my heart to see that....

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2011, 06:35:38 am »
Would be good if the guilty partie(s) were given the name-n-shame treatment...
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Offline Trestor

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Re: Bad Day For WinMX And Myself
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2011, 08:53:07 am »
Ghost chap, if you wanted to resign anyway because you've put in many years and feel you've done enough, then thank you for all your great help that you've given to MX; it has been invaluable and I and many others really appreciate what you have done for us and for the ideology of being able to freely share what belongs to us.

If you have resigned because of some twits who delight in trollish behavior, I hope you will reconsider your choice; trolls are nothing, people of quality are everything. I consider you to be a major asset here and someone whom I respect, and would be very unhappy to see you go.

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