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Recent Study Shows Media Cartel Piracy Claims Are Hyperbole
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:19:33 am »
Yet another study has once again confirmed the facts regarding infringement and artist creativity.

One of the key tenets of those who support stronger copyright law and stronger copyright enforcement is the idea that it is a necessary incentive for a great deal of creative output. We regularly hear claims of how creative output would drop without such strong copyright protections. However, the actual evidence has simply not supported this theory at all, with multiple studies showing that even as there was a massive increase in infringement, thanks to the internet, there has actually been a very large increase in creative output as well.

Even more interesting, this study also appears to debunk the other claim by the recording industry that the rise of file sharing means that new acts are no longer developed and able to grow and release quality albums. In fact, the study finds no support for that claim.

Oh, there is one other interesting tidbit in the research: The only real noticeable difference that the research turned up between pre- and post-Napster music production... was that more of the successful new musicians are coming from independent labels, rather than the major labels. That certainly helps explain why the major labels like to perpetuate these kinds of myths... but not why anyone believes them.

An excellent article regarding this new study, it seems anything spoken aloud by the media cartels is often found to be a collection of misleading falsehoods, twisted reports and in most cases downright lies and all in the main spouted by a group of seemingly different entities that are all wholly funded by the cartels, most of which use a few ex artists as "front men" to bolster their public appeal to weak minded politicians, this of course gives the impression that there are many groups all clamouring for ever urgent action when the truth is there is little to no urgency and the action is usually anti consumer and thus a distraction is required to keep the same weak minded politicians busy chasing their tails, thankfully no one here has ever believed any dubious media cartel claims but I must admit to always enjoy seeing them rubbished in public time and again  :lol:

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Recent Study Shows Media Cartel Piracy Claims Are Hyperbole

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