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Author Topic: New to this  (Read 1538 times)

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Offline RobertWier

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New to this
« on: April 20, 2011, 08:20:10 am »
So hello guys.

My name is Kolshinkov Moltalitov (jk its Robert Wier) and I have a question about downloading,

so I am using WinMX as an 'additional option' to the limewire 5.6.2 edition, I am using it to 'augment' my access to free video files so I can use them to complete cultural and media analyis projects for my major in college, my mentor says I should and he is probably right.

So right now I am planning on downloading the 2010 Karate Kid movie with Jackie Chan, from limewire 5.6.2, all I have been able to download and open has been a movie-theater cam reccording of the movie. The sound is not high-quality, so I need a better option. So seeing as how limewire conked out on me this time, I turned to my 2nd option, WinMX.

5 or so years ago I used winmx and was pretty familiar with it before I switched to Limewire. Now I am back with WinMX, and as I re-educate myself as how to use this software, I plan to use this very convenient forum to support me to upgrade my understanding of technology and computers.

and here is what I am experiencing with this:

I am connected to the server, I got the green light, but when I search "Karate Kid"-- nothing comes up. So I typed in other, more common,  search terms, like "porn" and "sex", (lol sorry) and then clicked the "Search" button and also nothing is coming up.  In the bottom right corner it

It was able to return searches a few days ago- any idea what this means?

Offline bu44er

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Re: New to this
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 09:15:03 am »
Are you connected as in Primary mode or Secondary Mode. What router do you use because my first guess would be that you may need to forward the ports that winmx uses to your computer.
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Re: New to this
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 11:08:30 am »
If you are connected as a secondary I would suggest refreshing your connection might help.
Trying a primary connection might also help if you can connect as a primary.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we at WMW do not encourage or aid in the transfer of copyrighted files in anyway, we do however encourage users to share their own produced files, freeware, shareware, and other non copyrighted or creative materials on the WPN.

Since you are looking for educational material and reviews of movies, I would suggest also checking some of the chat rooms, many are very interested in movies and reviews.

Offline RobertWier

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Re: New to this
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 08:46:41 pm »
"I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we at WMW do not encourage or aid in the transfer of copyrighted files in anyway, we do however encourage users to share their own produced files, freeware, shareware, and other non copyrighted or creative materials on the WPN."

Yikes! Well I will be sure to keep all my file sharing activities legal on the WinMX software!

& I will try to refresh my connection- cant connect primary on this little laptop!

& I have no idea how to "forward" the "port" to my "computer" (jk on that last one I know what a computer is, kind of)

Re: New to this
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 10:50:37 pm »

Take a read through this tutorial page.
It runs through the issue of port forwarding.

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