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Author Topic: intrmittent search, odd behaviour  (Read 1693 times)

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:54:05 am »
Im new to this site but not to winmx.
I run as a primary, got the patch from here and not Vladd. but did install a .dll from an Italian site just after the outage.
My problem:

When its fine: :lol:
I can search and get results. I have a "please be patient" message in the HTML slot (top left corner). All is well with the world and I can leave it going.

When its mucking about: :cry:
I have no message, just a white slot.
searchs are always 'waiting for results' and never get any.
I also seem to get fewer DLs, this might not be so just frustration twisting my perception, but no difference in my ULs or its Q.

I haven't tried going secondary as I understand the network needs primary users, and I can't see how it would make any difference.

Thanks for any suggestions
whitegoth (Confused of winmx)

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 11:32:24 am »
Hi Whitegoth,

It appears to me from the information that you have given that your using a hosts file fix.  The message 'Please Be Patient" is only on that hosts file fix.

From earlier experience, and I am sure if I am wrong someone will correct me, but if your not getting that message your loosing your connections to WinMX.  I would venture to guess that when this message is gone so are most if not all of your primary connections you had.

This can be caused from a few problems, but the most serious is the flooders that are using primary connections as a gateway to flood the fake files onto the network.

Being on the Hosts file fix offers you and the network  NO protection from this.  So its very important and will probably stalbize your connection to choose a way to protect yourself.  IF your already using one of the following methods then please disregard them but for information here we go:

If your using a hosts file and running as a primary the RIAA/MPAA are using your connection and your bandwidth to flood the rest of the network.
there are three main ways to protect yourself.

Peerguardian 2 - is a program that blocks IPs that the makers have researched and determined to be dodgy or bad.  They have lierarlly millions of IPs on thier lists.  They make these lists with ALL internet activity in mind, not just WinMX.  For this reason if you choose to use this program its imperitive that you add the block list we produce that is WinMX specific.  Details on how and why can be found here along with the download link of Peerguardian 2
Using Peer guardian To Block The RIAA/MPAA

Sherwood - Is another program that does virtually the same thing.  It was developed by a WinMX User just like yourself.  Its list is virutally the same as ours.
I have to say that the flooders are changing IPs that they use every 2-3 days and as of today the Sherwood list has not been updated in 2 weeks.
I am trying to contact the developer and work out a better way to update that so that it offers better protection for users.
More information on this program can be found here:
FAQ For Sherwood

The Next way to do this would be to remove your hosts file fix and use our Connection Patch 1.9 installer.  This is a patch developed to work with your WinMX the way WinMX was designed in the first place.  Its a better long term connection fix, works faster, uses less resources then a hosts file, and blocks the flooders without having to run a second program. It also does not require you to update it everytime there is a Peer Cache change, which in the event that any of the Peer Caches go down like Front Codes did this will simply redirect you to any new ones added.
Install 1.9 Connection Patch For WinMX

I suspect that its the flooding that is causing your connection to be unstable however, if your running Peerguardian with our block list already and still experiencing this, I would suggest you try our patch and see if it continues.

Let me know if you need anything else or if this keeps up after these changes..

Offline Bearded Blunder

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2005, 12:00:42 pm »
I read on another forum....
Quote from: subhuman_bob
Many things can cause this
1) the message is from a webpage and the data comes in on port 80. If this is blocked, you will not get any message However since this is the only data that travels over port 80, there's no real need to open that port for WinMX.
2) Different servers display different messages. Depending on which server you connect to, you will get a different message. You can verify this by looking at the servers with a web browser- the blank white message comes from while tells people they have an old version of the patch and should upgrade.
3) if a server is running at or near capacity, it's entirely possible that it will return data to you that will allow you to connect, but that the webpage request times out.
4) if a server is in the process of changing software versions, the message is the last priority. That's the last thing worried about when doing upgrades.

(stuff relevant only to that thread removed)

That portion of conversation can be read here if you wish to check the context, but "please be patient" does indicate the hosts file fix in use.. as would blank.. if it has scroll bars it indicates the page didn't load, & it shouldn't be significant what is up there if the light turned green.

Running as a primary without protection can cause your connection to drop at odd intervals though, the flooded searches passing through you overload your primary to the point it loses contact.. & has to reconnect.

I'm in total agreement with Me Here that in this situation you should look into PeerGuardian, Sherwood, or change patch, to protect both the network, & prevent the detrimental effect flooders can have on your own primary connection
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.

Offline GhostShip

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2005, 12:26:03 pm »
Hi Whitegoth, this had me a little worried :?

I run as a primary, got the patch from here and not Vladd. but did install a .dll from an Italian site just after the outage

What I am worried about is where you obtained your dll patch from as we have asked folks to only link to the winmxgroup site to get it to prevent tampering.

I am aware of a another dll patch that "String" an Italian programmer wrote but this has no flooder protection so if  maybe you have that version please replace it.

As pointed out earlier if you have the winmxgroup patch the corner message will read "Patch Operational", so if you do not see that then you do not have the winmxgroup patch.


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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2005, 12:45:59 pm »
Ok so I have uninstalled winMx. Changed the hosts file back to the original.
Re-installed using the 1.9 patch .exe from here.
I have white in the box, but srolling down shows a 404 error and a link to

I am now getting search results, quickly too.
I am going to install peerguarding next.

But so far thanks.
I'llget back to you all when I've done that.


Offline Me Here

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2005, 01:10:01 pm »
Well that is fine, if you want to use Peerguardian.. and if your using other p2p networks its prolly best.  However its not necessary if your using the WinMXGroup Patch 1.9 and only WinMX.
Its important to use at least one of the forms of protection metioned and the Patch should be sufficient.



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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2005, 02:06:09 pm »
now I see where "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" comes form.
I seem to have only a little knowledge.

So I won't use pg.
I do use Mxmonitor, is this good or bad ?
I did prefer Leechhammer but had compatablity probs, now its gone anyhow isn't it.

I don't often use the chat rooms, you will say I should no doubt. :lol:

Is there something better for me, or the network, that I should use ?

Thanks anyhow, I can't beleive how quick the replies come here.


Offline Me Here

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intrmittent search, odd behaviour
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2005, 10:45:56 pm »
Hey Whitegoth,

Okay .. yes a little knowledge.. humm then we are all dangerous in some way or another.. lol

Ok Mx Monitor is fine, and Leechammer is also ok.  We have almost any WinMX related program your heart could desire in the Archive.  Just click on that in the upper right hand corner of this screen.  

The rooms are a great way to add to your WinMX experience, but no there is not a reason that you should have to use them.  Dont be afraid to give a shot I always say, but I realize not everyone wants to chat with folks.

As for as whats best for the network there are a few things settings wise you may want to learn more about, but the main thing is the flooding which you have taken care of already.

How To Keep The Network Safe

Anyway, I hope some of that helps ya use your WinMX to its fullest and if you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask .. :)

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