I first came accross WinMX after a friend in school told me about a programme called audiognome. At the time i was into music, couldnt afford napster on my pocket money and it was in all kinds of mess anyhow. And i downloaded the outhere brothers, wiggle it the dirty version ha ha and everyone in school was listening to it. I was pretty happy with audiognome for a good while, i was on 56k dialup so multi source wasnt needed. Then my mum said to me AOL where offering DSL in our area and i joined the 512 revolution. When i realised here i could download at what was a supper fast speed in 1999/2000 time and everyone on audiognome(OpenNaP) was pretty much on 56k back then, i wanted something faster. I stumbled accross winmx while checking out what else connected to audiognome as i thought back then.
First time i loaded Winmx i was like WTF does all this do, I tried downloading a few times and got really really stuck. I decided to click chat and i came accross a movie room with all their latest films in the topic. I popped in and low and behold they had a website that had everything on it, how to search, how to convert movies and how to burn them. And of course access to all the tools off the folks in the room. I stayed with *]M+M[* for a year or two but they where trying to get alot of their room folks to use irc. This was something again that i didnt want to learn. WinMX had everything i needed and a few of us decided to set up our own room and Gangster Movies music apps and more was born. I met alot of good friends in that room, that i still speak today. And setting up and hosting that room was where i learnt about setting webpages up for our room

If i recall right it was some time around not long after that Kevin pulled the plug. And it was a mad dash to find out what the hell happened, and i found my way to vladds and tubgirl lol(dare i bring that up) In their i met a fair few morons, notably should fit nobby in here ha ha but seen as where now friends im sure he wont mind me bringing that up. I hated going into vladds room, but it was the best place to find out about hostfile fixes and i used to just lurk and forward back to the room what was going on.
Now back then i cant really recall how i first ended up in WMW. I think i seen KM parked in the room, and i used his WCS. I could see him going mental in the room with someone who had kicked me out of vladds at one point, cant recall her name was it kimbeley or kaighly??? i dunno but KM was giving her some stick, i was like nice one and i seen him spamming the WMW address. And i came to have a look.
Before long i was friends with KM on MSN, we would all cause murder in vladds the best fun was when we got the room login and booted them all out their own room ha ha, how i can look back at that now and laugh. Back then it was war lol.
A few months here nor their KM released his filtering patch, he was also looking for cache operators, i offered up and joined up with winmxworld properly. was in the room every day, got told of by quicks a fair bit ha ha. Yet i still had no idea how winmx really worked. Was only when KM left and shut down winmxgroup did i really start to get stuck in about DNS's and patchs, caches, Open-nap, then source-codes with Marty and many more hours with quicks. Me and quicks become real close friends and Mehere became my winmx Mom

x I have met an amazing bunch of people, that have brought me from "where's the any key" to a unqualified IT Manager, working as one for 4 1/2 years before being made redundant in Jan this year.
WinMX holds a very special place in my heart, It has been a big factor in the better part of my adult life. It is almost like a life blog as i go threw my old posts. Even has me posting when all three of my children have been born and hard times and ilness in my life. Its why i will always be here, till my P=0 S=0 but that will never happen hay. Ill always run 4 winmx's just incase