*ducks at the words fly* ladies and gentlemen easy were all on the same battle field here..... hello debbie welcome to winmx world, i'm sorry your having so much trouble alot are right now, it seems one of the old members of winmx found a flie in his soup so to speak and is attacking us since we wanted him to pay his bill, however if your in a room on the chat part you can still browse another persons files, were sorry that you cant use the regular search at this time, but were all in the same boat here, if you need a room there are some great ones still standing you can join that are great movie and or music rooms if that is what your searching for, all you have to do is right click the persons name in the room and click browse, just remember to say hello and let them know your new. hope that helps it's not alot but we have a great community with an amazing team working to get us back into the swing of things.
Welcome to winmx