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Offline GhostShip

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Why WinMX Is Still Important
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:21:56 am »
I was just looking around the news sites as folks do when they feel uninspired and want some light refreshment and this article shouted to me craving attention  :yes:

It references this article at torrent freak as its source

The reason why this news is so important is that it clearly signals that one of the newer p2p filesharing clients that took over the majority of limewire users on the gnutella network is going to jump ship and sell out there users, one has the idea that this is being done more out of fear than anything else as there is currently an unspoken precedent to not attempt to sue bit torrent client vendors, the problem is that could always change and with the well known poor security such a simple network model employs its basically akin to selling its users out to save their own hides.

The flip side of this is of course the fact that the demise of the Gnutella network has been speeded up and will leave little in the way of large scalable decentralised p2p networks left in the wild and so its even more important to do what we can to safeguard this last haven of such p2p activity, I thank all of those committed users who have thus far enjoyed the far smoother ride of yesteryear,  this year however we have seen obstructions placed in our way but regardless we will continue to do our best to work past these problems and as a community pull together as we have always done, WinMX was not the first to fire up its network but we can ensure its one of the last to close its doors, be very proud of yourselves fellow users  8)

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 02:29:34 am »
gimme a shout when sites like use winmx as a release platform ;)

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 07:56:44 am »
Sites like would never use winmx to launch downloads of its products. The reason..... Well winmx doesnt have any nice web link's that can be added to it. And im bloody glad. Otherwise we would of had loads of porn & trogen infested indexing site's and god kows what other crap to contend with. I certainly wouldnt vote it to be added anyhow. Can you imagine the fakes then, all over the internet!!!!! though could easily set up a chat room on winmx. and provide its files from thier, but i think stuff like that will be more hopeful with a new client. As stuff could be added to support such free independant site. Which i would certainly vote for.

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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 08:43:09 am »
i was being sarcastic lagerlout (and gs knows it) ..... winmx doesnt trump torrent imo (as oft claimed by gs) but it is important for different reasons..... .....and no... not for an add-in for new vodo releases.... the search trends on mx suggest they arent even beginnning to look for creative commons works.....

winmxs' importance is to newbies.... its perfect for that.... and to those who like to socialize with their files without putting puzzle pieces together (chat is built in) ..... in this day and age its not my piece of cake but to many it still holds value....'ll die a very slow death (like opennap... seen the active serverlist lately? bunnynap and a whole lot of others have been long gone).... but it'll go out with users having had good times at one point..... (mx for me really went downhill around 2k7.... long before the recent attacks... but i only uninstalled it 4 years later....)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 09:59:57 pm »
Having had the same comments and made the same replies many times when ppl compare apples with oranges I suppose I should be thankful for these few words

but it is important for different reasons.....

Indeed it is, I like to share my own content and on winmx I can do that all by myself without having to negotiate some web site and hoping they dont mind me sharing what I please as some do, and when ppl want my files they dont have to once again rely on some web site that may or may not be up and some seeder who may or may not be about to get the whole thing completed, theres nothing more like ques that a few peers on a torrent but no seeds, on mx you can at least enjoy the parts of the file you do have while you wait for the sharer to reboot or come on the next day, not so with torrent where you are likely never to find the file after its initial release if its not some copyrighted material owned by the cartels, I have to say the figures show the true facts here, compare the amount of folks sued or extorted for using winmx and those sued or extorted for using torrents, if those numbers dont stand as a clear warning then your obviously gambling never to get caught if your obtaining copyright materials, Stripes will say he shares only legal materials but I,m usually the one who reminds folks here of key facts that he wont mention unless pressed to.

Feel free to read on the wiki as regards the poor performance of older torrents.

Although swarming scales well to tolerate flash crowds for popular content, it is less useful for unpopular content. Peers arriving after the initial rush might find the content unavailable and need to wait for the arrival of a seed in order to complete their downloads. The seed arrival, in turn, may take long to happen (this is termed the seeder promotion problem). Since maintaining seeds for unpopular content entails high bandwidth and administrative costs, this runs counter to the goals of publishers that value BitTorrent as a cheap alternative to a client-server approach. This occurs on a huge scale; measurements have shown that 38% of all new torrents become unavailable within the first month.[14] A strategy adopted by many publishers which significantly increases availability of unpopular content consists of bundling multiple files in a single swarm.[15] More sophisticated solutions have also been proposed; generally, these use cross-torrent mechanisms through which multiple torrents can cooperate to better share content.[16]

BitTorrent does not offer its users anonymity. It is possible to obtain the IP addresses of all current and possibly previous participants in a swarm from the tracker. This may expose users with insecure systems to attacks.[13] It may also expose users to the risk of being sued, if they are distributing files without permission from the copyright holder(s).

The facts are the facts.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 12:23:53 am »
ive only run into 'dry' torrents twice in my life... and never have i gotten a nastygram  ... ppls experence with different networks differ.... (the 2k7 problem i deleted around 4gig of incomplete files due to the users never returning... the initial on 2k5 i deleted even more.... and no an incomplete file is not enjoyable to me.... )

fact is the wpn encryption is broken and data harvesters are on the network but you seem to not mention that often either.... ;)

size plays a difference here too.... wpn, nap, soulseek etc.... small fish.... torrent is the ambulance chaser target of choice.... something else will come along and be the new big thing... it always does... (wow! check out these 8track things... i can listen to my music in the car now too! ;) )

to each their own... their network.... their group of friends... their downloads and uploads.... their bandwidth..... their computer....

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 01:04:11 am »
fact is the wpn encryption is broken and data harvesters are on the network but you seem to not mention that often either....

Its never been the encryption holding back data miners Stripes its been the blocklist, the sheer mass of false and erroneous traffic generated by the attackers makes the job of determing what is and what is not malicious currently untenable as KM and NB envisaged when they started their attacks and this will affect folks security as I have posted on the site before, the same sheer mass of false and erroneous traffic of course negates any data mining validity so in reality your supposed drawback has cancelled itself out.

I find it truly amazing you out of all the torrent users I have ever spoken to are the only one who claims never to have hit a dead end with a duff torrent with 0 seeds, what a lucky world you must live in  :/

If you wish to trade facts please let the WPN users know just how many have ever been sued,or threatened to be sued, I will of course be happy to roll off the many hundreds of thousands sent nastygrams and threats for payment for using torrents, the facts are still crystal clear.

Offline achilles

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2011, 01:21:16 am »
Many users will still have to rely on torrents as long as there is a 2GB file cap. When that obstacle is overcome we will have a much better network.  As most of us already know FAT 32 based clients only allow for 4GB files recognition. The new client should be based on NTFS. 
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 01:29:13 am »
wasnt talking about KM and NB harvesting data.... talking about the **AAs ... yes the list stops them... after they are found (what do they do with what they gather? who knows since nothing has been done.. but that could be due to winmx small size...)...  and i said i have come across two dead torrents... not none (read again plz)....

as for luck with those torrents... um... sites usually report the number of seeds/leeches .... common sense would tell one not to d/l a torrent with no (or a low number of) seeds... sorta like downloading from mx.... best to download a file that has more than one source.... best to download one that has many sources (at least 5 is a good starting number).... the winmx 'lack of source' problem is what 'killed' the downloading for me ~2k7...

as for the nastygram subject.... you have a bit of a double standard with that (you know what im talking about)... so i'll just leave that one alone....

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 09:30:36 am »
But I wish Stripes would put-up or shut-up.

Always criticizing, never contributing...

Non-WinMX User for 4 years, I think perhaps, his knowledge may be somewhat redundant...
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But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline achilles

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 05:37:58 pm »
Is any progress being made on the new patch?  Maybe it will be easier to create a very basic client, and go from there. All the features could be rolled out in new builds later on.  I know GS, and several others have already said this many times. If you have hit a brick wall then maybe that will be an easier solution.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 08:04:51 pm »
....Non-WinMX User for 4 years....

non major downloader like times past for 4 years.... downloaded from others in rooms or very small files for those 4....

dont read whole posts do you....

Is any progress being made on the new patch? 


Maybe it will be easier to create a very basic client, and go from there. All the features could be rolled out in new builds later on.  I know GS, and several others have already said this many times. If you have hit a brick wall then maybe that will be an easier solution.

i dont think that would be as easy as you think.... while the anti-attack functions could be built-in the amount of time needed to make a new client... even something incredibly basic... would take too long (too many users having left)....

there are clones for secondary-only connects already.... primary however is as much 'server' as it is 'client' (if that makes sense).... so.. getting something out there that worked and was stable would take quite a bit of time...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2011, 10:21:30 pm »
Stripes has summed up the situation we find ourselves in quite well, the patch is not looking great atm and its developers are hitting a wall but hope has not left us and more efforts are being tried to drag in fresh coding talent to finish whats already been completed, the tally so far of work is 3 new/different types of patch, many new routines added to each and all sorts of variants and test versions tried, still the coders are not out of puff completely, I always have hope they will create some kind of solution but the folks working on it are pretty much beat into the floor and tired , fresh minds are required and we believe there is one ready to help deliver the final sections we need, however nothing is set in stone and I don't believe in lying to anyone here, the long and the short of this is that the developers will still continue to do their best to fix this catastrophic protocol flaw, time is of course against them as it has been for some time now.

On the new client side of this it may well be possible to rig up some sawn off primary client that will be able to hold things together till we see a fix for the old workhorse but as Stripes and I know time is the enemy and many hands would need to get on the case to deliver in the shortest space of time, if a new primary network could be created using a diff or modified protocol these attacks would end as fast as they had arrived but without many hands this is simply a pipe dream, its one I have been planning for some time now but planning and implementation are not the same thing so we are between the rock and the hard place, if the WPN is to die I want you all to know it wont be for lack of effort on behalf of WMW and those who are doing there best to fix the solution, we will go down fighting and will resurrect the network at a future time if it collapses, some things are worth saving, this is your network and its time to fight for it, join your friends in the chat rooms and dont let the attackers steal the WPN and your friendships, this network is nothing without you the userbase making it work so bear that in mind now some scum is trying to steal the "gold" of YOUR perseverance, support, bandwidth.

Offline achilles

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 03:29:47 pm »
Its always good to receive a no BS answer. Since I don't have access to the core I ask from time to time to see if there's any good news. Just don't be annoyed if I ask this question again 2 months from now lol I guess I was hoping to hear the patch is almost ready for release or a very very basic client was within reach in the near future. Wishful thinking on my part.  I'm sure everyone likes to cling to wishful thinking in this ordeal. Never loose hope!
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Offline ~*~SELENA~*~

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Re: Why WinMX Is Still Important
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2011, 02:48:57 am »
Its always good to receive a no BS answer. Since I don't have access to the core I ask from time to time to see if there's any good news. Just don't be annoyed if I ask this question again 2 months from now lol I guess I was hoping to hear the patch is almost ready for release or a very very basic client was within reach in the near future. Wishful thinking on my part.  I'm sure everyone likes to cling to wishful thinking in this ordeal. Never loose hope!

well you beat me to asking as always i'll sit in facebook and on forgotten world playing games until i hear mx is back on track once again, it's not that i am having fun but my place on mx is cooling off dont want my rep cooling off with it lol!!
you will remember me as ~*~SELENA~*~ in 2005 on this forum....Room Owner MUSIC @ ThE Studio
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