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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World Community  | Strategic Directions  |  Is this project really that difficult?

Author Topic: Is this project really that difficult?  (Read 15414 times)

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Offline wonderer

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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2011, 08:31:51 pm »
Each search result packet contains the ip address of the person sharing it. Since these search bots are collecting this information,...

As Rebel points out, the IP is from the primary executing the search but for who???
And sharing files is no proof you are actually uploading.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2011, 08:41:34 pm »
Patrick I ask you not to post any further protcol information on this site,  we do feel discussion is good for all but one of our rules is not to help attackers attack the WPN and your post steps over the line slightly, simply put having any WinMX primary protocol info brings with it a responsibility to fellow users and I ask you to excercise that responsibility wisely.

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #62 on: August 10, 2011, 08:56:49 pm »
Yes ofc private sites have their own monitoring systems. But what about open site's. Can you imagine the fake postings on sites. How do we as a community filter fakes from all sites. This place would be full of i downloaded this and got that crap. To be honest its a horrible idea, WinMX is central programme, it is all contained, and as such can be protected far easier than loads of websites with hosts more interested in you clicking their web links than maintaining fakes.

 As for the scanner you have seen thier is one big one, i can tell you the IP. And they have plenty of crap to deal with i can assure you. If everyone was patched they wouldn't be on the network, but sabre allowing prats with hostfiles on the network allows them to connect. And they have been doing the same thing since Kevin was running it, we inherited them.... And they have been on our blocklists since day 1 btw if anyone curious drop me a PM, if they was going to do something they would of done it by now, like back when kevin had it or KM. But as has already been quite rightly pointed out. The IP is a primary, it could be that IP doing the search, or 8-15 secondary's connected to it. Not really tangible enough evidence.
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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #63 on: August 10, 2011, 09:16:19 pm »
the pay up or else schemes dont seem to need 'tangible evidence' .... blind man sued for porn? wpn primary sued for facilitating .... (they'll think of something creative)  ... 'pay up' is cheaper than going to court unfortunately (very broken legal system anyone?)

winmx is just small fry so not really going after... shutting frontcode down was enough to get rid of most of the userbase....

Offline PatrickShartz

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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #64 on: August 10, 2011, 10:07:08 pm »
I understand your concerns with the primary protocol, but I'm using documents that are freely available to anyone that wants them. They are on a public website, and if I remember correctly you yourself said these were someone's home grown documents and not your own. You do not own the rights to the protocol or the network, unless of course you right now want to claim you own it even though it's supposed to be a "community". But I will respect your request to not post any more protocol specifications on this forum.

And in response to RebelMX and Lagerlout666, you're clearly confused as to what I'm talking about. You are talking about the tcp packets that are sent out requesting the searches, but I'm talking about the actual search result packets (udp).

The actual search result packets contain the ip address of the person sharing the actual file. How else would the ping results function work....  It is also the ip address you guys are using to identity the ip ranges of the fake packet flooders, ex: 38.x ips I have seen in many screenshots of a modified version of the eagle patch on this forum. How else would you know which ip address ranges to block... it's quite obvious and if you need further proof (even though you should already know this already because you have tools that do the exact thing I'm talking about) I will be happy to provide screenshots.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Is this project really that difficult?
« Reply #65 on: August 10, 2011, 11:22:34 pm »
But I will respect your request to not post any more protocol specifications on this forum.

My thanks  :-D

You'll notice I asked you on behalf of the community, I myself never make any claims to own the network or the protocol and nor does WMW, we do however try to support the network and this is obviously why I made the request of you, common sense dictates that the users of the WPN are best served at the current time by not further spreading information that can be used to damage the network, I'm assuming you understand this is the case at this time also, obviously as situations change so will this sites advice, once again my thanks for your co-operation.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World Community  | Strategic Directions  |  Is this project really that difficult?

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