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Offline DaBees-Knees

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It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« on: August 03, 2011, 07:11:58 am »

A comprehensive study of web users has determined that the dumber you are, the more likely you are to use Microsoft Internet Explorer.

After measuring the IQs of exactly 101,326 users and correlating their scores with the browser they had used to access the test, "There was a clear indication ... that the subjects using any version of Internet Explorer ranked significantly lower on an average than others," concludes the study, conducted by the Vancouver, Canada, psychometric-assessment firm, AptiQuant.

At the other end of the scale are those oh-so-brilliant Opera users, followed close behind by users of Camino and Internet Explorer with Chrome Frame.

"There was no significant difference in the IQ scores between individuals using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple's Safari;" AptiQuant writes, "however, it was on an average higher than IE users."

An average IQ is defined as a score of 100. Note where IE users rank (source: AptiQuant)
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The methodology of the study appears sound. English-speaking users from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand were drawn to a free IQ assessment test on AptiQuant's website either organically through unprompted search-engine results or through advertisements. Before being given the test, subjects were asked their age and gender; subjects under 16 were redirected to a different site, and their data was not used in the test.

Each subject's browser and operating system were detected and retained along with their scores on the well-respected Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (IV) IQ test.

Those results were then compared with the results of a similar study done in 2006 – and the results weren't pretty for users of Internet Explorer versions 6 through 9. If anything, IE users appear to have gotten duller over the past five years, and Opera users, sharper.

"The comparison clearly suggests that more people on the higher side of IQ scale have moved away from Internet Explorer in the last 5 years," AptiQuant concludes.

AptiQuant also plotted the use of each browser over the range of users' IQ. IE users again embarrassed themselves: the higher the IQ percentile, the fewer IE users. On the other hand, the smarter the user, the more likely they were to use Opera, Camino, and IE with Chrome Frame.

The smarter you are, the less likely you are to use IE (source: AptiQuant)

The study – "Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Browser Usage: Measuring the Effects of Cognitive Ability on the Choice of Web Browser" – had a loftier goal than merely insulting IE users and putting a smile on the face of Opera's development team: to gauge the correlation between the resistance to changing or upgrading software, and users' IQs.

"From the test results, it is a clear indication that individuals on the lower side of the IQ scale tend to resist a change/upgrade of their browsers," the study concludes. "This hypothesis can be extended to any software in general, however more research is needed for that, which is a potential future work as an extension to this report."

AptiQuant does, however, single IE out as not only the newly anointed Browser for Dummies™, but also as an expensive drag on web developers. "Any IT company involved in web development will acknowledge the fact that millions of man hours are wasted each year to make otherwise perfectly functional websites work in Internet Explorer," they noted when announcing their results.

As an IE user my only comment is ........  :butt:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 08:35:22 am »
....and IE with Chrome Frame.....

interesting they would include that...... tho installing chrome frame is the only way to get IE to be anything near standards compliant.... (IE9 64bit has an incredibly flaky javascript engine... amongst other glitches... ...regardless of what it gets on acid3 it still sucks in real world use....)

AptiQuant does, however, single IE out as not only the newly anointed Browser for Dummies™, but also as an expensive drag on web developers. "Any IT company involved in web development will acknowledge the fact that millions of man hours are wasted each year to make otherwise perfectly functional websites work in Internet Explorer," they noted when announcing their results.
(emphasis mine)

oh btw, LMFAO!

Offline GhostShip

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 11:45:08 pm »
I have 3 browsers installed and Opera is one of them but its not the one I choose for every day usage, it really does seem that browser vendors are the ones to blame for these poorly thought out skewed statistical results, comparing users who have not modified their machines to any extent to ones that have is hardly a comparative indication of IQ, more likely a comparison of those who will install anything but IE and believe the hype about gazillions of viruses charging into a users IE machine versus those who don't believe that its such a danger and on the real extreme those wont don't care if their machines are pawned, that would at least be an honest study.

I note the company fails to explain in their study just how supporting the latest ad vendor additions to a browser makes it any more efficient, common sense would suggest otherwise when bandwidth is the key criteria.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2011, 11:49:51 pm »
'Dumb as a bag of Hammers ' eh?

I didn't see those words quoted in the 'findings'

perhaps the dumbness is more related to the usage and browsing/surfing habits, even a sensible IE user can avoid all the malware, but there's nothing like good old elitism to sneer down ones noses from

Well, stuff them all, i am an IE user, and i can't stand the damned elitism, why dont they all just go play with their macs and other junk and leave the rest alone in their happiness

IE works for me.

Oh and by the way, the websites are not modified to work with IE, they have to be modified to work with all the other Junk!
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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 04:31:44 am »
Statistic can be made to reflect anything, 89.3% of all people know that.

(SRWare Iron & FF here)

Offline PatrickShartz

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 04:55:24 am »
IE works for me.

Oh and by the way, the websites are not modified to work with IE, they have to be modified to work with all the other Junk!

Just because something works doesn't mean that it is the best option. An old falling apart car can work, but obviously there are better options out there.

And being a web developer myself, I find your last comment very arrogant as you obviously do not know what you are talking about. Websites are designed around standards. Standards that almost every browser EXCEPT internet explorer follows. It is a pain to have to have a separate CSS file for IE6, IE7 and IE8 in order for everything to function properly.

I really pity the poor fool who still uses IE6.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2011, 08:28:03 am »
I really pity the poor fool who still uses IE6.

Thanks for your concern Patrick  :-D

I myself use it every day, I have iceweazel and opera also installed but for myself theres few sites I visit that require me to have to use such awkward browsers that support the latest bandwidth wasting ad technology, I prefer that those pushing newer standards should be honest and inform folks why they need to upgrade, simply doing so to allow more ads is not something I,m going to help with, from a security point of view I can accept that there may be a few exploits that require users to be alert to but thats the same with all browsers old or new and users should be informed of how to fix such issues rather than blindly updating to newer versions from those vendors who created the holes in the first place by ill thought out coding practices and rely on such folks to further protect them.

And now to the reality of this supposed study ... its actually a hoax

As I posted previously, those who believe the hype where the first to jump on the bandwagon, maybe the statistics should be modified to say non IE users will resort to misleading folks to acheive their aims as that does seem to be the most common statistic involved here.

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 08:46:13 am »
The bottom line is, IE has issues:

1. issues with css
2. it can be prone to crashing
3. it conflicts with all sorts of stuff it shouldn't (i discovered it IE9 doesnt work well with Wordpress admin the other day)
4. MS often release new versions and expect the users to act as testers
5. An array of known security flaws
6. It doesnt have even close to the functionality of other browsers

I am sure there are plenty more issues too. So, if after all these and more no doubt, you are still using IE, then I suggest you are either:

a. Lazy
b. Stupid


I used to fit into catagory a. but now enjoy the paradise of funtionality that is FF. So in conclusion, weather the survey is a hoax or not, the findings are at least partially correct!

Offline ']['affy

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2011, 01:25:11 pm »
Update: The study has turned out to be a hoax. More here.

A recent study links intelligence test results with browser usage — and the results don’t look good for users of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, especially its older versions.

The study, titled “Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Browser Usage” by Canadian company AptiQuant, compiled IQ test scores of 101,326 individuals older than the age of 16 and divided them into groups according to the browser they use.

The results are fascinating. Users of Internet Explorer 6 have an average IQ score barely more than 80; Firefox and Chrome users fare much better, with average IQ scores of around 110, while Opera and Camino users have an average IQ score more than 120.

It’s also interesting to note that average IQ scores of IE6 users were significantly higher in 2006, and that the IQ scores get better with newer versions of IE

Offline White Stripes

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2011, 03:57:39 pm »

lesse how well that works in IE6 vs firefox and opera... no its not a 'test'... its a site thats been coded to the standards.... (note: radar tab does not work in non-us locations.. so it not being clickable is normal)

it /does/ work ... with a few glitches ... in IE8..  havent tested 7... in 6 the 'conditions' box cannot be collapsed or opened (depending on how it first appears)... along with a few other glitches...

for those of you who want to see your own neighborhood go to --

if geoip fails use your zip/postal code or city, state (or country)

not trying to prove anything... just saying... if you wanna save the webdevs some headaches and still want to use IE at least update to IE8...

Offline White Stripes

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 04:51:54 pm »
hmm... bit of paw in mouth... seems they fixed the collapsing function in ie6 since last i tried to use it in that browser... tho the lack of alpha png support (in ie6) they had to get a bit creative with the buttons...

Offline PatrickShartz

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 11:36:28 pm »
Why anyone would choose to remain on IE6 is beyond me. As Nobby said, you either have to be extremely lazy or just plain stupid. I suppose we should start wearing tinfoil hats now to ward off the "evil" cartel and advertisers out in the world... because that's how you come across to me.

Browsing without tabs would just be horrible...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2011, 09:40:40 am »
Nobby, wordpress includes code to deliberately target ie6 users thus your supposed bug is actually a feature designed to break ie6, as I said misleading users seems to be the mainstay of the anti-IE brigade, most of the supposed improvements are not of value to most web users and are usually designed to waste bandwidth and facillitate faster ads or support for those sites that have 15 ad laden frames and little useful content, visiting such sites is pretty much at the bottom of my list of humanity improving things to do.

I have already shown how the anti IE6 folks are willing to post false data and mislead and generally bully folks onto browsers that are as wasteful and awkward as using mx with a keyboard and no mouse, nothing posted here changes that or the facts,  in my own experience tabs are an annoying problem and always lead to local machine memory wasting, as well as allowing unwanted third party pop-up windows to appear thus showing poor security and an exploit waiting to happen.

Out of interest just where are these great sites that cant handle delivering basic html code ?

Offline ..Ñøßߥ..

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2011, 10:33:41 am »
The problem with WP admin, is not with IE6, it is in fact with IE9. The latest WP has been updated to attempt to fix the issue but frankly as is often the case the issue is only with IE.  Now, dont get me wrong I am not a MS basher (i love windows 7 and many other MS products), nor do I have any anti IE agenda, the bottom line is, it simply isn't as good as other browsers. I come across browser related issues on a regular basis and unfortunately 90%+ of the issues are with IE and do not appear in any of the other popular browsers.

There is no misleading going on here, simply facts. For the average user I am sure IE is ok, but for someone who demands more, or sees things from a behind the scenes perspective IE simply is not as good as others out there.

Offline ..Ñøßߥ..

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2011, 01:31:28 pm »

Offline nylly444

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2011, 01:54:13 pm »
Personally I couldn't care less who uses which browser but I know from personal experience that IE is a pain to accomodate in a website.

This is purely due to the fact that it simply won't follow standards that have been agreed upon by all others.
I'ts just that M$ seems to think they don't have to play by the rules what is bothering me to no end.

And Ghostship, just so you know: 
IF we ever go and change the design of wmw  I will NOT put in extra stuff for IE - if it doesn't display well with it you gotta go and get another browser :P
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2011, 04:49:26 pm »

This site doesnt display properly in IE    ;)


tho its front page seems to.. at least what this shows of it does;

Personally I couldn't care less who uses which browser but I know from personal experience that IE is a pain to accomodate in a website.

This is purely due to the fact that it simply won't follow standards that have been agreed upon by all others.
I'ts just that M$ seems to think they don't have to play by the rules what is bothering me to no end.

And Ghostship, just so you know: 
IF we ever go and change the design of wmw  I will NOT put in extra stuff for IE - if it doesn't display well with it you gotta go and get another browser :P

he could always install chrome frame.... keeps the ie6 ui intact ;)  ... and ive seen that this site triggers chrome frame...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 08:53:52 pm »
Actually I have an independent brower that was written for me by the main patch developer it wont have all the bugs all the other browsers have as it only has the features in it I wished for ( 0 tabs  8) ) which is mainly to read text most of the time with a few images in, making advertisers rich is not part of my internet using plan.

As I have proved before most of the so called bugs are non existent or placed in a script to drive folks off IE6 , take for instance wordpress that Nobby refers to, many site owners such as torrent freak etc use a IE6 blocking plugin to artificially breaks compatibility and we must not forget my experiment with the browser user agent string that showed if you pretended to have IE7 etc problems also disappeared when compared to using the unmodified browser.

Whilst I'm sure no one here is being malicious its a fact many sites openly mislead IE users or cause problems simply because the site operators want simple off the shelf solutions and those by and large are coded by those who demand users of such software do as they are told.

I do find it funny when ppl complain that IE is not following standards when for a very long time it had the majority of the market thus perhaps its the other vendors not following MS's standards and are now to blame  :lol:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2011, 09:18:36 pm »
actually its the w3c standards other browsers follow.... IE6 only supports a small amount of them.... and the ones it does are quite often buggy....  --- this was made before IE7 was even released... IE6 fails... opera 7+ firefox 1+ and many others get this right.... MS claims to support CSS version 1 in IE6 but does not... --- another fail.... png transparency has nothing to do with 'microsoft standards' .... interesting to note that IE5 for the macintosh has no problem with png transparency.... hmm... (IE for the mac uses a rendering engine called tasman, IE for windows uses an engine called trident... both were written by microsoft... ...tasman still exsists in windows as part of microsoft office...)

the IE6 fails go on and on.... but i know noone will convince you of that....

and the browser you describe that was 'written for you' sounds like mosaic or links or windows port of links2....

where in the world are you seeing all this advertising you claim? have you not installed adblock plus on firefox? howbout noscript.... then theres noflash.... for older versions of firefox (and many others) and even tho it doesnt say it -- it works for opera too...

other than the old adsubtract SE i dont know of any ad blockers for IE....

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