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Author Topic: False Accusation Claims Embaress Swedish Film Org  (Read 684 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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False Accusation Claims Embaress Swedish Film Org
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:22:13 am »
Obviously fresh from the their lessons at the "school for hypocrites" a Cartel member group has been outed for sharing movies illegally.

The Swedish Film Institute (SFI) is in the middle of a crisis after an anti-piracy company revealed that it had tracked several leaked movies on The Pirate Bay back to its servers. Desperate to deflect the accusations, today the SFI made a long statement. It turned out to be a perfect illustration that allegations of piracy based on an IP address and nothing else, simply must be backed up by something more solid.

The important thing here is that when it comes to the allegations against SFI, and the refusal of the anti-piracy company to make their ‘evidence’ available, SFI should be given the benefit of the doubt.

But, unlike the hundreds of thousands of other ISP account holders around the world who receive letters claiming that they illegally uploaded a movie or song and therefore should pay compensation or, increasingly, be disconnected from the Internet, The Swedish Film Institute are treated more respectfully, quite simply because of who they are.

It seems pretty clear then, if your a cartel member group you obviously wouldn't dream of pirating anything and those making the claims must be raving mad  ;)

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