Hello peeps
Well back in 2003, winmx was the first peer2peer and chat software I had used.
I loved it because any person with an IQ greater than a parsnip could operate it. It was literally black and white. (and green and some red also shoved in for good measure if i remember correctly). The chat rooms were (also literally) so random. I used to frequent one called something like "stoners, growers, smugglers..." and it was hillariously funny, sometimes insightful and sometimes moronic.
So I thought today I was just going to download the old programme, see if that chat room was still there, and bobs your uncle (the rest of your family i dont know) but, alas, things have gone a bit FUBAR in mx land. Its commendable the amount of dedication and perseverance that appears to being put into getting it operationing at an acceptable level again... I dont see the point in others on this forum bashing the few that are trying to revive mx to its former glory - in fact i think its pretty fucking stupid. If it wasnt a monumental and constantly evolving task, somebody would have fixed it already, right? Go figure.
So, for somebody with computer skills lesser than those of a parsnip, how difficult is it to get the programme running and the chat rooms open?
Peace, wee