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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  WinMX Connection Issues  |  Strange connection behaviour

Author Topic: Strange connection behaviour  (Read 2194 times)

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Offline Viper

  • Forum Member
Strange connection behaviour
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:00:22 am »
In the past few weeks i have been experiencing some strange things with my connection. I can be uploading and downloading files then all of a sudden the files in both queues will stop and  display zeros, then they will time out, and
all subsquent files in the queues will time out. Once the queues are empty, it never connects again in either queue, I
have waited for over an hour for something to apear in the queues, but nothing!.

I have triied restarted  winmx, restarted the computer, restarted the the modem/router nothing
worked I still cannot  get anyone in either queue

What could be causing this?
I am using the latest patch version

Thank you for your help

Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Re: Strange connection behaviour
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 03:11:02 am »
Hi Viper the lame guy who is attacking winmx has since the begining of his actions tried firstly to hide them and then when exposed publicly has tried to find other attack vectors that will generate disruptive false traffic, he doesnt have much in his arsenal as in that area of the protocol the packets in use are fixed so hes been meddling with them all over time to find a decent "attack recipe", so yes although he will continue to disrupt the network his actions are less annoying now folks have set their minfs to resist him, he will give up before anyone here and I urge you to follow our recipe for minimising his influence.   

Folks are working on a multiple angled fix to cover all of the posible attack methods he has so far used, but as you will appreciate there are some big holes that need fixing and due to its fixed code nature mx itself is more of a problem that the lame witted attacker.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  WinMX Connection Issues  |  Strange connection behaviour

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