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Author Topic: Windows updates, why do they destroy the computer?  (Read 3504 times)

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Offline MinersLantern

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Windows updates, why do they destroy the computer?
« on: October 06, 2013, 06:46:11 am »
Im bored, waiting for the next release of OurMX, so...

Meanwhile, I had a very short video file that is perfectly synced as to audio/video meant to test your hardware for any delays.

On my win7 netbook, it plays just fine no problem. I run that one file on my tower however (under media player classic) wait for a dozen frames or so and system freeze. I mean freeze as in no way to get out of it except to hit the power switch to collapse the computer.

Viewing the same file using Windows Media Player 10 on the same pc worked just fine.

So I did something silly. I allowed microsoft to update the entire OS (win2k3) in the hopes that this would fix the issue.


Now the file freezes the thing on media player classic and also freezes the thing on M$ media player.

What a nice update! I am so happy!

Now I have to format drive C and redo everything just to get back to a stable condition.

wtf is up with M$? I have seen the same thing happen under another pc I have running XP. Stable and fast, update it, and constant freeze or crashing.

I fixed that one by formating the drive and doing everything over again, while disabling any updates from microsoft.

Its been running along just fine and fast with now lag or crashes for a year now.

Its pretty bad when the 'fixes' end up destroying your computer.

Maybe its a new way to market new product?


Offline WhiteLightningX

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Re: Windows updates, why do they destroy the computer?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 04:41:30 am »
lol same here, I have learned the best way for me is to install xp on my tower, and use a thumb drive with SP3 before i actually even allow it to go online...Then install all the necessary softwares from the usb drive, and then disable updates.  :)

Offline Pri

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Re: Windows updates, why do they destroy the computer?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2013, 01:17:01 pm »
Sounds like you have some kind of hardware failure. Your system shouldn't be freezing under any circumstances and I believe the windows updates here just to be a coincidence or they have uncovered a more serious hardware issue.

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