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76793 Posts in 13502 Topics by 1651 Members - Latest Member: Arnold99 October 05, 2024, 04:25:50 pm
WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Overly Secret and Unfair, Says Professor

Author Topic: “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Overly Secret and Unfair, Says Professor  (Read 853 times)

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In the coming months the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) will start to track down online ‘pirates’ as part of an agreement all major US Internet providers struck with the MPAA and RIAA.

The parties agreed on a system through which copyright infringers are warned that their behavior is unacceptable. After five or six warnings ISPs may then take a variety of repressive measures, including temporary disconnections.

Both copyright holders and ISPs have described the copyright alert system (CAS), or “six strikes” scheme, as a sensible approach to tackle the growing piracy problem.

To assess if this is indeed the case University of Idaho Law Professor Annemarie Bridy reviewed the plan to see whether it respects basic consumer protection norms. The results were just published online and the report includes harsh critique as well as some positive notes.


the link to the report in the article seems to be broken, I have found this alternative link to the report.

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since when is anything the movie and music industry done been fair? or based on anything regarding intellect?

i just hope truly innocent users dont get swept up in this crap DtecNET is the company doing the monitoring and they cant tell the difference between a computer and a laser printer...

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Overly Secret and Unfair, Says Professor

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