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Google's Italian Execs Jail Threat Overturned
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:42:56 pm »
More good news for freedom loving folks  8)

Three Google executives convicted in Italy of privacy law violations had their convictions overturned by an appeals court today.

The three executives had been sentenced to six-month suspended sentences, but that decision was overturned by an appeals court in Milan. "The original verdict raised alarms about threats to Internet freedom in Italy," the New York Times noted today. "Google and many other Internet companies have consistently maintained that they cannot, and should not, be required to review the content of user-generated material before it is posted on their sites. Google insists that it acted swiftly to take down the video in question after being alerted to it, on grounds that the content violated its terms of service. Google said Friday that the successful appeal had vindicated its position."

Another story that has a festive ending  :yes:

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Google's Italian Execs Jail Threat Overturned

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