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Happy Internet Freedom Day! – But Was SOPA Really Defeated?
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:25:48 am »
Today is Internet Freedom Day. After historic protests last year SOPA was shelved and the anti-piracy proposal eventually died completely, a big victory for the millions who protested. However, a year later we see that several of SOPA’s provisions are being executed nonetheless, without any oversight or complaint from the public.

internet-freedom“The Internet” celebrates the defeat of SOPA and PIPA as “Internet Freedom Day” today.

What started as a small protest movement by activist groups developed into mainstream news when tech giants such as Google and Wikipedia joined in. Exactly a year ago following months of scattered protests there was a massive Internet blackout campaign.

As a result the balance of power tipped, and Hollywood and the music industry were forced into retreat. Soon after both bills were declared dead but that doesn’t mean that the Internet is more free than it was before.

The irony is that many of the things that were so bad about SOPA are now pretty much common practice, without any new laws being passed. Let’s take a look at three key SOPA provisions:

1. SOPA would make it easier for copyright holders to request a court order asking payment providers to stop doing business with rogue websites.

2. SOPA would make it easier for copyright holders to request a court order asking advertising networks to stop doing business with rogue websites.

3. SOPA would make it easier for copyright holders to request a court order asking search engines to stop linking to rogue websites.

Copyright groups took a lesson from the public’s revolt against SOPA and seem to be putting in more effort applying pressure behind the scenes now. Over the past 12 months we’ve seen more anti-piracy efforts than ever before involving payment processors, advertising networks and major search engines.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Happy Internet Freedom Day! – But Was SOPA Really Defeated?

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