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Author Topic: French Govt Reports Large Increase in Three Strikes Piracy Warnings  (Read 825 times)

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The French government has significantly stepped up its game in the war against online piracy. In a new report the country’s anti-piracy agency reveals that in January 2013 it sent 82,000 “first strike” warnings, twice the amount it issued in the same month last year. To find more people receiving a second strike than they did in February 2013 we have to look all the way back to October 2011. Despite the uplift, roughly the same numbers of people are going on to a third strike.

In a step away from some of the more historically aggressive anti-piracy schemes against individual Internet users, during the last couple of years there has been a settling on a perceived middle-ground.

In some countries rightsholders are now permitted to inform Internet users via their ISPs that their illicit habits are being noted, allowing users to maintain a theoretical level of privacy while an educational message is imposed.

The result are so-called “strikes” schemes like the one launched in the United States at the end of last month. The project is similar in nature to the one pioneered in France, so keeping an eye on what’s happening there should prove of interest in any subsequent stateside comparison.

Yesterday the French government’s Hadopi agency released the latest stats from their scheme and they reveal a huge increase in the effort.

In January 2012, Hadopi sent 41,396 so-called “first strike” warnings to Internet users. During January 2013 the agency sent 82,000, a 98% increase.

The following month saw a similar trend. In February Hadopi sent out 80,000 initial warnings versus 51,621 in the same period last year.

To find months with a greater output we have to go all the way back to May and June 2011, where 103,989 and 82,795 first warnings were issued respectively.

January 2012 saw 38 individuals received their third warning, versus 36 in the same month this year. A total of 41 people had their final strike in February 2012 compared to 33 in February 2013. No matter how many first or second warnings were sent out, in no month since the scheme began have more than 43 people received a third.

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Re: French Govt Reports Large Increase in Three Strikes Piracy Warnings
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 10:53:07 pm »
It seems these Govt copyright lackeys have been stung into action after a recent report revealing their lack of action, now they are trying the familiar "swamp" method in the hope that amongst the half of the internet they are targetting they will hit some of the so called "pirates", as most teachers often tell errant pupils and very fitting for this current time wasting operation "must do better". 

Re: French Govt Reports Large Increase in Three Strikes Piracy Warnings
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 04:53:21 am »
i think the interesting thing will be the third strike warnings in a few months

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