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Author Topic: ITU readies gigabit standard  (Read 995 times)

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ITU readies gigabit standard
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:06:48 am »

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has taken the first steps towards standardising, the next major DSL-based standard which vendors hope will provide a “fibre-like” experience without having to drag the glass all the way into homes.

While it's touted by vendors as a gigabit-over-copper technology, the official ITU line is more conservative. In a video discussing the standard, ITU Rapporteur for Study Group 15 Frank van der Putten says “where ADSL was about a few megabits per second to the end customer, VDSL a few tens of megabits, will be about a few hundreds of megabits to the end customer.”

The ITU Study Group 15 meeting gave first-stage approval to Recommendation ITU-T G.9700, designed to protect broadcast services such as FM radio from interference caused by deployments.

That's an important constraint for the new technology. To achieve its impressive performance over even short distances, needs more than 100 MHz of RF spectrum, compared to the sub-megahertz RF needed by ADSL and the megahertz spectrum used by VDSL variants.

While the 100 MHz-wide profile enables the very high bitrates, it's also what limits's transmission distance – and there's another problem the standards setters had to solve.

FM radio stations occupy spectrum from around 87 MHz to around 107 MHz – well within that used by And, of course, even if they're underground, the copper plant provides a long antenna. That means any emission from the cables is going to destroy FM radio transmissions.

Offline PlanB

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Re: ITU readies gigabit standard
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2013, 04:37:04 am »
and any poor CB radio users still out there. Infact im sure some wireless devices use the 34mhz range and ham radio users use 30-32mhz. I wonder how they would support that here in the UK???

Offline Rock001

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Re: ITU readies gigabit standard
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2013, 02:56:44 pm »
can you just imagine the splatter on the frequency. just like CB user used to face when someone was using a kicker ... you could hear them over numerous channels either side.. just wondering if it willl be NFM or WFM bands and what KHZ step they're going to use to keep the splatter from "seeping" into the now defunct military spectrum here in OZ (if they release it here in Oz.)
Still kickin' and screaming'!

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