Oh dear another form of music slavery device aka DRM (digital right management)
http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/?d=79157 SunnComm International, creator of MediaMax(TM), America's best-selling enhancement and content protection technology for audio compact discs (CDs), is pleased to announce that it has received production approval from several of its largest record label clients to include MediaMax (V.5) on its copy protected CDs. This unique full-featured version of content protection has been extensively tested on both pre-release and commercial albums.
As usual the folks pushing this sysytem are the same greedy people who want to lock you in to a format that they will only offer seperately, I trust you all notice that your traditional rights to listen to the music on a different format have been seriously erroded (Read
When will these greedy business folks get the message, we are human beings and we like music , but we are not idiots to be milked of our rights and cash at every oppurtunity.
I will not be buying any CD,s utilising this system, I hope you all join with me in boycotting this digital extortion.