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76801 Posts in 13506 Topics by 1651 Members - Latest Member: Arnold99 January 18, 2025, 05:18:47 pm
WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Autralian Lawmaker Announces Shoot The Messenger Policy @ ISP Companies

Author Topic: Autralian Lawmaker Announces Shoot The Messenger Policy @ ISP Companies  (Read 833 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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It seems the Copyright Tax Cartel have found yet another dimwit to trot out their party line, copyright infringement is all the fault of the ISP companies   :clown:

George Brandis, the Australian Government’s Attorney-General and Minister for the Arts, is gearing up for a renewed assault on ISPs that “enable” piracy and copyright infringement. After a speech two weeks ago at the Copyright Law forum, Brandis is sowing the seeds for a crackdown on Internet businesses that don’t punish their users for sharing copyrighted content.

According to Brandis, this term of government is going to see through significant reforms to the almost-50-year-old Copyright Act — reforms he says the previous Labor government failed to achieve. These amendments are going to include a method of cracking down on internet piracy if Australia’s ISPs can’t come to a consensus on their own.

As usual we hear the same old rhetoric and the same old facts seem lost on those who are tasked with balancing the rights of the public whilst supposedly protecting the rights of creators (note it does not say in the law copyright cartels and record companies  - just "creators"), it seems the balance of rights does not exist and thus when we talk about copyright we are simply describing an unofficial tax on the public, a tax the govt benefit from and thus have a vested interest in perpetuating. How can it be right to forget the original point of having a copyright law ?
Worse, why should the govt get involved in funding prosecutions for a civil matter, such cases should be paid for by the copyright tax cartel, on that point the law is already very clear.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Autralian Lawmaker Announces Shoot The Messenger Policy @ ISP Companies

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