This is very sad news, he was only passing by the wmw chat room yesterday with his RoboMX as usual, Dik or Baph as most of you knew him was not originally a wmw room member, he originally hailed from the Vladd44 room and was thus well known by many of you before this site even existed, he enjoyed jetting about on his motorcycle and was rather knowledgeable in the field of networks and linux computing but for the time I have known him was often in the wars with broken limbs following various accidents over the years.
Following the closure of valdds room Dik along with some of the other Vladd regulars such as Icedragon came to be pretty permanent visitors in the wmw chat room and I'm sure many other rooms around the community, he was a happy guy who spoke plainly and honestly with his opinions but always took the time to listen even if he didn't agree with you, I will miss him and his regular greetings. As you all know a chat room can only consist of the various "character" of its users and with Diks passing we will be a little smaller in our community flavour.
I proffer my condolences to Diks friends and family, I wish to also thank Taffy for passing along this sad news, thank you my friend