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Offline GhostShip

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Another great helping hand to internet pirates...  from the MPAA,  :shocked:

The Motion Picture Ass. of America has shot itself in the foot by issuing a copyright takedown notice against a corner of Reddit – and promptly turned a virtually unused subredit into a popular forum.

The discussion board, /r/FullLengthFilms, is a place for Redditors to post links to films available for streaming or download, and typically scores about 2,500 unique visitors a day. While some of the linked films could be legally downloaded, there's also a contingent of movies that can be streamed or downloaded illegally.

Some bright spark at the MPAA got wind of this and issued a takedown notice against the subreddit after a link appeared to a copy of the 2010 film Edge of Darkness, which was adapted from the British TV series of the same name.

Reddit is one of the planet's largest and more vigorous online communities and when news of the takedown broke, users went a little nuts – as did the traffic to /r/FullLengthFilms. Its moderator reports that site traffic nearly quadrupled in a day and the number of people subscribing to the site skyrocketed

After years of aiding would-be pirates to find the best places to directly download pirated content by asking Google to delist such sites (one only has to follow the chilling effects entry to get a full list of web addresses with real copies of the files  :/)  , we now see the usage again of the ill fated "shout-it-from-the-rooftops" model, are they really so dense as to continue laying a near direct trail to potentially revenue creating material for those who chose to download it for free ?

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  MPAA Overreact And Reveal Location Of Links To Illicit Movies

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