Yesterday I was poking around the web and all of a sudden a nasty pop-up window appeared making all sorts of silly claims and pretending to have the backing of the police and the NSA

Well I was rather surprised that simply looking at a torrent link could turn me into an international big time wanted criminal, did they have the right man ???
Being the sort of chap who feels that honesty is the best policy I thought maybe I should turn myself in for looking at such obviously criminal links

, but unfortunately my accusers had not left any information on where I could contact them and there was most certainly not any attack helicopter hovering outside the window waiting to bundle me into a waiting cell, this wasn't going to be easy , and to make matters worse all my files where being encrypted and I saw a timer on the right side of the window so it must all be true

I also saw an advert for some kind of paycard like paypal but obviously a different organisation as its pretty clear that even the police and the NSA cant beat paypal for a smooth transaction

I tried to close the browser window, but wait

it wouldn't close and a new window opened up, this must be the real thing folks eh

After closing down this self styled and semi literate page of bull using the rather simple taskmanger I repeated the operation to ensure the same specific site was the cause of all this nonsense, it most certainly was and so I firstly took a screen shot and made a note of the address.
I looked at the root domain and saw that it was parked by godaddy, strange but when adding the additional subdomain data I was able to get some response, it redirected me to, this was truly malware then, no one should have to suffer such a fate

All jokes aside folks the site to add to your hostfile to block is the following this addy normally has a long string of data following it to let the server operator know what link sent you to their nonsense generator, but rest assured that's exactly what it is, no files where encrypted and I didn't have to buy any dubious paycard funds to get anything back, this is pure and simple scare ware and not even decently researched scare ware, referencing as it does non existent laws, we should take pity on such chumps but I thought you might all enjoy a good laugh too