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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Apple lends support to fight against AIDS

Author Topic: Apple lends support to fight against AIDS  (Read 1195 times)

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Apple lends support to fight against AIDS
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:19:49 am »

as much as i give apple a hard time, props where they're due

The popular charity (RED) will reap an unspecified portion of the tech giant's online and retail sales on the frenzied Black Friday, which falls on Nov. 28 this year, as well as Dec. 1, Apple announced Sunday. For two weeks, the company will also carve out a new corner of the App Store called Apps for (RED), where all proceeds from the sales of 25 new apps will go straight to the fight against AIDS.

Apple has been a strong supporter of (RED) since it debuted in 2006, giving its retail stores a scarlet glow to raise awareness for the cause last year. This year's intensified push marks Apple CEO Tim Cook's latest gambit to burnish the company's corporate reputation.

"Apple is a proud supporter of (RED) because we believe the gift of life is the most important gift anyone can give," Cook said in a statement. "This year we are launching our biggest fundraising push yet."

U2 frontman Bono, who co-founded (RED), saluted the company's contribution.

"Apple isn't just in the fight to end AIDS. They are setting a new bar for business, giving $75 million and counting to the Global Fund as part of their partnership with (RED)," he said in a statement.

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