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Author Topic: info per codice sorgente winmx per script  (Read 14519 times)

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Offline melito

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info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:39:41 pm »
salve, vorrei sapere in che linguaggio di programmazione e' stato

fatto winmx e se' e dove e' possibile reperire il codice sorgente,

e che algoritmo usa per assegnare l'HASH ai file. mi servono queste

3 informazioni, perche' vorrei inserire in winmx degli script o

altro per far leggere a winmx una  lista con i  film che ho gia'

completato e che possono anche essere su' altri hard disk

esterni.ho pensato di scrivere su questa lista  il numero di codice

HASH di ogni file che poi esso verifichera' tutte le volte che apro

il browser degli utenti con l'HASH vero e propio dei file presenti

nel browser ,e nel caso io avessi gia' quel film, esso venga

evidenziato  con un colore specifico ma differente da quello usato

per segnalare i film incompleti. infatti cosi come e' fatto winmx

evidenzia soltanto i film incompleti che si riscontra nel browser

che si apre. e' molto tempo che vorrei fare questa cosa potete

aiutarmi ?.

Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2015, 10:01:49 pm »
google translate

hi, I want to know what programming language and 'state winmx done and if 'and where and' can find the source code, and that algorithm uses to assign the HASH file.
I need these 3 information, 'cause I want to insert in the script or winmx another to read winmx a list with the films I have already ' completed and which may also be on 'other hard drives esterni.
ho thought of writing on this list the number of code HASH of each file that then it will verify 'every time I open the browser user with HASH true and own the files in the browser, and if I had already 'movie, it is highlighted with a specific color but different from that used to signal the film incomplete. Indeed as it is' done winmx only highlights the incomplete film that is found in the browser that opens. and 'a long time that I would do this thing can help me?.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 10:02:53 pm »
Hash related projects include the following:



Some Information:

Offline melito

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Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2015, 03:31:33 pm »
I thank the link that I've been through, will sens'altro useful for when I will have to write the script I have in mind. I take this opportunity if 'I can ask you in even if' and 'can find the source code of WinMX and if' you know what programming language and 'was written?.
 Thank you very much

Offline GhostShip

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Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2015, 03:49:07 pm »
Unfortunately Melito no one has the src for WinMx as Frontcode Technology/WinMx Technologies never released any of it to the public, the creator of WinMx  is also the creator of another program called Tixati, however he wont answer questions regarding WinMX and most likely theres a legal reason why that is so, his name is Kevin Hearn and he lives in Canada is all I can tell you.

WinMX is coded in a few flavours of Microsoft Visual Studio / VC6  MFC C++, With some of the coding support libraries of the time perhaps in usage (COM, ATL).


Offline melito

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Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2015, 10:43:02 pm »
ok GOSTSHIP ,I thank the helpful information that I've been through, I'll see 'to do research on the guy.

 Thank you very much

Offline GhostShip

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Re: info per codice sorgente winmx per script
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2015, 10:48:32 pm »
Your most welcome Melito  :D

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