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MPAA Exposed In Anti-Google Dirty Tricks Campaign
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:51:42 pm »
When will these media cartels stop acting like the mafia ?

Late last year leaked documents revealed that the MPAA helped Mississippi Attorney General (AG) Jim Hood to revive SOPA-like censorship efforts in the United States.
In a retaliatory move Google sued the Attorney General, hoping to find out more about the secret plan. The company also demanded copies of internal communications from the MPAA which are now revealing how far the anti-Google camp planned to go.

In its court filing Google uses the information to argue that the AG’s civil investigatory demand was not the basis of a legitimate investigation. Instead, it was another tool pressuring the company to implement more stringent anti-piracy measures.
Given this new information, Google hopes that the court will compel Fox, NBC and Viacom to hand over relevant internal documents, as they were “plainly privy” to the secretive campaign.

Please read the full article at TorrentFreak folks as I cant show all of the dirty details here, they really are acting in a organised way to gain a financial advantage, when one of those acting as part of this conspiracy is an assistant general attorney one has to wonder where the rot stops and how far the corruption has been allowed to spread.

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