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Author Topic: BMG Quietly Attacking US ISP  (Read 1508 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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BMG Quietly Attacking US ISP
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:04:10 am »
Theres a underhand attack going on folks, the music industry are hoping you wont notice..

One of the most important cases in the history of music copyright and content protection is happening right now, with a decision expected in months.  Yet very few are even aware of its existence.

The case involves Cox Communications, the third-largest ISP in the United States, and, depending on who you talk to, one of the largest facilitators of piracy in the world.  That’s the accusation of litigating rights owners BMG Rights Management and Round Hill Music, who’ve finally rallied the courage (and resources) to haul the powerful broadband industry into court.

 According to BMG and Round Hill, Cox has actually lost its DMCA ‘safe harbor’ protection and is liable for billions, if not trillions, of dollars in copyright infringement.

You are warned to take this Pro-Industry story with a bag of salt as it does make for some speculative claims over real facts however evryone loses if the recording industry get their greedy way so nows a good time to mention this action on social media and rally the public to support Cox, they are after all fighting to stop the net being censored by fat cat record companies and an industry that make's mega millionaires of people like simon cowell while seeing actual creators get a mere pittance.

Re: BMG Quietly Attacking US ISP
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 08:40:44 am »
wow, road transport authority have a lot of speeding fines coming their way, they have to be responsible for illeagle use of all those cars...

Offline White Stripes

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Re: BMG Quietly Attacking US ISP
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2015, 08:31:00 pm »
the road transport authority most likely knows where all the roads go... the 'web' however is always in flux unravelling and re-weaving itself at its users whims.. i dont think many.. esp older generations... understand this 'internet' thing... -all- roads lead

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