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Author Topic: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group  (Read 11850 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« on: January 12, 2016, 12:00:58 am »
I am growing rather bored of having time wasted by the same folks who come to the forum under different names and generally succeed in wasting both time and stealing focus from the community client so .. to speed things up a tad and get the project back into a higher gear it requires more human resources, this folks is where you guys/gals step in and offer your services in the sphere of feature planning, beta testing/ feedback as well as anything else you can think of that brings benefit to the project,  as has been stated many times when the client is able to use an updated protocol set it can be made open src atm we have two versions in hand one secondary only that's a rework of some of the earlier work and a primary level client that's still incomplete but solid in many areas, developers are in such short supply I am like yourself growing weary of the wait however many hands make light work and I feel with more brains on the matter progress and new avenues can be accessed by creating a proper support group.

The group will need to consist of no more than around 8 folks to start with so folks can self allocate tasks after seeing whats required and also have the mindset to research potential solutions and champion those to fruit, lot of big words here but in short this project needs some help to revitalise it and gain traction to reach an eventual stable release.

I intend to hold meetings in a chat room to get real time activities proceeding and to get some decent quality discussion fermenting regarding the project (and not myself) and to swap ideas plans and share the workload between us once its clear what can reasonably achieved with the fellow network volunteers.

If you want to help build the group and take a part in moving the entire community ahead then please consider joining and taking an active part in this group, I believe we have the brains within our shrinking community to restore its fortunes but this will only occur if we accept that we too must help at times to keep the ship afloat,  -  drop me a line if you want to attend the first meeting of the group and lets move on as a group, focused towards delivery of the community client and any ancillary research or assistance undertaken to that end.

 I hope to hear from anyone interested within the next few days -  Thanks  8)


Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 07:12:43 am »
Thank you all for your patience, a small issue with the forum is holding up the creation of our private space here but we hope will be resolved soon and then we can all get plotting and planning as well as testing, once again my apologies for this unforseen annoyance and our thanks for your kind gift of time.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 12:34:37 pm »
i wondered what happened

Offline wonderer

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 07:28:09 am »
would it help to create a secret hidden group on facebook?
that gives the possibility to have a group chat.
this group only intended to discuss and or post code snippets as we will want to keep developing  software centralized on our forum.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 12:08:56 pm »
you cant hide anything on facebook

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 06:41:58 pm »
I dont use facebook nor will I, I believe its nothing but a tool for various governments to abuse and snoop on folks with.

This is the same reason I dont use email. if any gov wants to spy on me let them work hard to do so  :-D

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2016, 10:17:16 pm »
Ok the group is now set up and the initial members have been included, thank you all for your patience and a special thank you to Silicon Toad and Nylly our forum guru for resolving the issue that caused the delay. cheers to you both  8) 8) 8)

Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2016, 04:23:28 am »
ha ha i helped by not touching anything  :))

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2016, 06:56:52 am »
Its not always what one does, but often what one says  :-D

Offline Plum

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2016, 08:17:23 am »
I am here, but not sure why. All I see is idle chit chat at this point.

Offline TOAD

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2016, 08:19:54 pm »
I am here, but not sure why. All I see is idle chit chat at this point.

It's been that way for years  :lol:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2016, 09:59:17 pm »
Lest anyone forgets Toad is the person who claimed there was no OurMX despite it being released months before such claims, when folks make that sort of amateur hour trolling mistake you have to ask where their minds are at  :crazy:

Plum can you confirm you're ready to join the OurMx Support group as I will need to add you if you do, its not a public group.

Offline Plum

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2016, 10:59:46 pm »
GS, what does that entail? I mean, what would my responsibilities be?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2016, 11:12:30 pm »
Nothing I will hold you to my friend, I need logical minds and folks to discuss and test stuff with at their leisure, the idea is we do what we seem to do in the rest of the forum topic but in a more controlled environment where we can make progress with concepts, ideas, feedback and planning without wasting time with trolls and other time wasters during each discussion, such people only come here to derail our operations and waste time and TBH I am growing weary of them, having all the clever folks in one area means we adults can get on unhindered  :)

Offline Plum

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2016, 06:05:43 am »
How is this different than the Core areas? Surely you haven't given access there to those who have not been vetted.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2016, 07:12:49 am »
The group has been vetted and are all folks known to the community thats why they volunteered in the first place, The core is our first step resource for developers and those undertaking research into areas of interest, there are further areas which require a more selective access arrangement.but we try to be flexible and have a decent initial discussion with all of the developers simply to ensure they are trustworthy and to gauge their needs and abilities etc, all those whom have the primary information for example will have spoken to myself and comprehend the responsibility placed upon them, aside from those whom have received a non WMW originated version of  incomplete primary information along with stolen community property via KM not one of the developers has ever let us down, I,m sure you know i do my best to ensure we work in a positive and trust building fashion, tbh your question suprises me.

Offline wonderer

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2016, 08:09:11 am »
GS, what does that entail? I mean, what would my responsibilities be?
GS will not even ask your pincode :)

Offline Plum

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2016, 10:28:40 am »
I'm interested so far. Not sure what value I'd add. I'm an ideas person, but I don't code in anything current or compatible, and know little about protocol specifics.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2016, 09:05:48 pm »
I want to say a lot more Plum but tbh I dont want to have to keep typing the same thing multiple times in different forum areas, just nod your head if you want me to add you to the Support Group section, I feel you have a skill I need and I hope thats all the encouragement you need to come and work with me and the others to bring the best out of all of us for the good of the community.

Offline Plum

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Re: For the Restless - OurMX Support Group
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2016, 11:18:07 pm »
Sure. I'll accept.

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