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Offline GhostShip

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Pop Star "Prince" Dies At His Home
« on: April 21, 2016, 07:16:08 pm »
The well known singer Prince has passed away today.

The hugely popular, acclaimed and influential musician Prince has died at his home in Minnesota at the age of 57.
Police were called to a medical emergency at his Paisley Park estate earlier on Thursday, US media reported. An investigation is now under way.
Prince became a global superstar in the 1980s, with albums such as 1999, Purple Rain and Sign O' the Times.

His innovative music spanned rock, funk, and jazz, and selling more than 100 million records during his career.
"It is with profound sadness that I am confirming that the legendary, iconic performer, Prince Rogers Nelson, has died," a spokeswoman for the musician said.

Its always sad to hear of folks passing, its a reminder that our time is also limited, a scary thought  :scared:

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Re: Pop Star "Prince" Dies At His Home
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 10:39:52 pm »
i know many of his songs by heart, my mom used to listen to his albums a lot when i was little.. this is definitely a 'dafuq?' moment for me :(

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Pop Star "Prince" Dies At His Home
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 09:50:48 am »
And now they are calling it "drugs"

Sorry, but I disagree.

Ive spent my time in ICU for over 2 weeks from the same flu infection, it really did almost kill me, still recovering from it now.

It trashed my immune system now I need oxygen to stay alive. That part isnt going to go away.

All this over one month from admission via the fire dept to ER and then ICU.

There were plenty of other people in that place, all infected with the flu.

 A few of them coded. as in no heartbeat.

I almost semi did myself, very unstable heartbeat, people running into my room seemingly in a panic "are you alright" cause of the very unstable haertbeat as reported by telemetry.

I damn near died, a few times, that I know of, prolly more than I know of.

It does not surprise me as to Prince.

This evil flu can do that without warning.

Drug OD my ass. I doubt it.

My damn heart stopped several times, just laying ther in bed and that is not a usual thing, never had any issues with my heart. The flu changed that.

Its working normal now, just saying, from my experience with the flu, this version can kill you before yoyu even know something is wrong.

The same thing killed off another 25 percent of my lung tissue too. And it isnt going to recover.

This flu is evil. People have no idea how bad it is.

The shit will destroy your lung tissue.

It can hit you all of a sudden then let off and you feel fine. Ya, thats the time to wiorry.
It can hit you again, its like a hammer, it hits, then goes away, then hits again.

Over and over untill it gets its way.

This is what happened to Prince.

No way in hell a drug OD imo.

If it was it was a response to get the flu thing out of the way.

I was put on heavy things in ICU as well.

OXY and all that kinda thing.

It just sorta made it somewhat easier to breathe.Barely.

Anyway, Prince is dead due to the flu.

Case closed.

Anyone who disagrees needs to get personally infected then to ICU, come back and tell the story as to how the flu had nothing to do with the death of Prince. This is the worst form of any flu over decades. Very deadly.

Dammit, yet another superstar full of talent, gone.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Pop Star "Prince" Dies At His Home
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2016, 02:13:52 pm »
Dammit, yet another superstar full of talent, gone.

This much seems true however the cause.

I am sorry to hear of your recent illness MinersLantern, nature does its best to thin down the human population and we in turn do our best to destroy everything we can on the planet, Flu today some pandemic in the future, we can only all do our bit to try to live our own lives and stay safe without costing anyone else that same right, that's my ideal anyway  :yes:

Offline TOAD

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Re: Pop Star "Prince" Dies At His Home
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2016, 03:07:24 pm »
Miners Lantern, were you there?

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