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Kickass Torrents Legal Team Facing Off US Authorities Claims
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:05:33 am »
Lawyers will say anything required to earn their slice of a clients cake however sometimes they seem rather too hurried to fake up the law when it comes to P2P it seems. A case in point:

Lawyers for Artem Vaulin, the alleged head of KickassTorrents (KAT), recently attempted to get criminal copyright infringement charges against their client tossed. Last week, however, prosecutors fired back. In a court filing from last Friday, authorities argued that Vaulin should not even be allowed to file a motion to dismiss until he makes a formal appearance in federal court in Chicago, where the case is underway.

Vaulin was arrested in Poland in July, where he now awaits extradition to the United States. KAT was the world’s largest BitTorrent distribution site before it was shuttered by authorities earlier this year. Prosecutors have alleged that KAT unlawfully distributed more than $1 billion worth of copyrighted materials.

If the lawyers want to get technical its clear they have no case in international law so they are mainly trying to rig the game the normal way they do in such cases by trying to get the trial all done and dusted in a local court that then offers significant judicial hurdles to folks based around the globe, add to this the poor quality of evidence and legal pleadings being accepted as fact in many of the US cases and you can see why they wont be wanting this case heard in Poland.

 If we are dealing with strict readings of the law there cannot be any genuine copyright infringement as the studios do not own the exact versions of the movie put out by the pirates, they may sell a version but that wont match any hash the so called infringers hold, digging further into this we can see quite clearly that those whom upload the file are the infringers and the torrent site neither uploads nor downloads any part of the file so once again wheres the actual act of infringement, lets face it there isn't one so we can expect to see US lawyers talking in parables and spewing horse-manure for a few weeks in a lame effort to equate a video or music file upload to a terrorist act, we are used to hollywood drama but when it comes to the details of the law I think its clear a lot of "Colombian" thoughts are being aired here in place of real statutes or case law to back these inane claims.

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