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Offline GhostShip

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UK ISP Routers Now Under Attack - Talk Talk & Others Affected
« on: December 02, 2016, 01:10:33 am »
Hot on the heels of the recent Deutch Telekom attack comes this.

Thousands of TalkTalk and Post Office customers have had their internet access cut by an attack targeting certain types of internet routers.
A spokeswoman for the Post Office told the BBC that the problem began on Sunday and had affected about 100,000 of its customers.

Talk Talk also confirmed that some of its customers had been affected, and it was working on a fix. It is not yet known who is responsible for the attack.

This style of attack was mentioned as being possible some months ago so seeing it occur in the wild is pretty much no suprise, what is surprising is how ISP companies have sat on their thumbs even after the warning earlier in the year.

Let us hope no one pays a price in any way for the behaviour of their ISP company.

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Re: UK ISP Routers Now Under Attack - Talk Talk & Others Affected
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2016, 08:24:48 pm »
You would be amazed how many routers are online with services open to the internet  for allowing ISP's to access/update there routers. Often these are left with logins of "Admin" and "Pass" and left that way under the misguided belief that because they need to access that service from a local network ISP ip that they are safe. But because there is no two way validation the attacker only needs to send the packets to the router in the right order to shut off there net access, or begin Ddos attacks. It amazes me that ISP's are still using this method some 15 years later and post articles scratching there heads as to how this could of happened.... truly shocking

Offline White Stripes

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Re: UK ISP Routers Now Under Attack - Talk Talk & Others Affected
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2016, 12:28:47 am »
setting the router password was the first thing i did when we got cable internet, in newer routers they will force a change in password... how old is the equipment these users are using?

on second thought does noone read the manual anymore?

Re: UK ISP Routers Now Under Attack - Talk Talk & Others Affected
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2016, 08:24:39 am »
it's a different world stripes
 it's perfectly acceptable now to expect to be able to use something without having the faintest idea how it works
lucky, i bet we all eat things we haven't the foggiest idea how they're made, bit scary that.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  UK ISP Routers Now Under Attack - Talk Talk & Others Affected

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