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Offline GhostShip

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It seems we are awash with "interweb experts" at the EU after a miniscule number of them decided for unspecified reasons that the internet needs "mothering"...

A committee of MEPs has voted to accept major changes to European copyright law, which experts say could change the nature of the internet.
They voted to approve the controversial Article 13, which critics warn could put an end to memes, remixes and other user-generated content.

Article 11, requiring online platforms to pay publishers a fee if they link to their news content, was also approved. One organisation opposed to the changes called it a "dark day".
The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs voted by 15 votes to 10 to adopt Article 13 and by 13 votes to 12 to adopt Article 11.

publishers, including the Independent Music Companies Association (Impala) welcomed the vote.
"This is a strong and unambiguous message sent by the European Parliament," said executive chair Helen Smith.
"It clarifies what the music sector has been saying for years: if you are in the business of distributing music or other creative works, you need a licence, clear and simple. It's time for the digital market to catch up with progress."

It will now go to the wider European Parliament to vote on in July

Trust some copyright maximalist to trot out a pathetic few words that show the level of the debate from their very limited viewpoint, such groups steal data regularly, copy material found online and rebrand material to try to copyright it and "own" the latest trends, are we going to see such groups held to a greater standard than ordinary citizen producers when it comes to claims of copyright infringement ? 

This would be a logical expansion of such laws,  unlimited fines for commercial infringement and making "false claims" again actual citizen copyright holders and smaller penalties for ordinary folks to reflect the core reason behind the activity, if such industry groups want to get pedantic they better beware, copyright infringement is a dual edged sword and they have more to lose than the rest of us if they wish to start pointing the finger.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: 15 EU MP's Vote To Censor Web - A Historically Dumb Decision
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2018, 10:28:09 am »
Article 11, requiring online platforms to pay publishers a fee if they link to their news content, was also approved.
this sounded so asinine when i first read it i thought i didnt read it right... third time i read it.... how the hell is this going to be enforced? 
if someone links an .eu news source on twitter... twitter has to pay? isnt that just going to make twitter filter out links? newspapers do want to be read... right?
would retweeting a tweet from the BBC count as linking? ... and this is just twitter im using as an example... social media in general is going to have to jump through
some strange hoops... or just block their services from reaching the .eu if they are not based in it...

They voted to approve the controversial Article 13, which critics warn could put an end to memes, remixes and other user-generated content.
again... how?? services are just going to shut down in the .eu ... memes will continue on in countries where this isnt a thing... many not-so-rich websites are going to be forced
to block their service to the .eu just to stay online... and sites in the .eu ..?.. i see many businesses jumping ship out of europe and into friendlier territory...

its not the end of the internet.. its just the end of the internet for the .eu

remember that next time you vote on who you put in power...

Offline White Stripes

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Re: 15 EU MP's Vote To Censor Web - A Historically Dumb Decision
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2018, 11:14:41 pm »

We have a 1st win! On 5 July, the European Parliament plenary voted against the mandate to start negotiations with Council.  However, the battle to defeat the Article 13 Censorship Machine is far from over: it must now be won in the European Parliament plenary in September. The site will be rethought and rebuilt to support you in facing the next stage of the battle. This is not over and your efforts will continue to lead to a balanced & positive outcome!

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 15 EU MP's Vote To Censor Web - A Historically Dumb Decision
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2018, 01:18:06 am »
Victory for now it seems.

With copyright millionaires such as paul mccartney and others adding their weight to this failed proposal it will be just a matter of time till the greedy folks try this on again, a better idea for consumers would be for the citizens of the globe to chip into a shares based company and buy out all of the media companies back catlogues and then of course we can simply ignore the current fad of auto-tuned drum machine ridden 3 line lyric specials I often hear on the radio  :evil:

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Re: 15 EU MP's Vote To Censor Web - A Historically Dumb Decision
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2018, 07:03:47 am »
Since the GDPR came in I've been unable to visit a lot of US based news websites due to them not being compliant and deciding to just block all EU visitors as a result.

I think the GDPR is a good thing but I fear if these regulations come in (I believe they're voting on it again in September) it will cut Europe off from the rest of the "sane" internet much how the GDPR has caused a lot of websites to block us already (until they get compliant anyway).

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