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Offline GhostShip

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Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« on: October 06, 2018, 01:57:13 pm »
This is an in depth and interesting article from the BBC, well deserving of a read  :)
A closer look at Alexa's most-popular albums reveals behaviour that may concern the music industry.
When people use voice commands to stream music, they consistently ask for songs they already know, with new artists largely frozen out of the picture.

The Alexa chart highlights a known problem with voice-activated listening - that there's a significant barrier to discovering new music.

"If you're looking at Spotify on your phone or your computer a lot of stuff is presented to you, so you might go, 'Oh, so-and-so's got a new album out, I'll give that a go'" says Mark Sutherland, editor of Music Week.
"But if all the decision-making is put upon you, and you have to tell Alexa what to choose, then inevitably you're likely to go for tried-and-trusted, more familiar music."

About 5 million UK adults now have a smart speaker at home, according to Ipsos Mori; while research from the US says that 90% of owners use the devices listen to music at least once a week, and they are poised to overtake mobile phones as the most common way of accessing their favourite songs.

I think this report highlights the issues I often rant about in regard to copyright extremism, if folks dont get any new musical "flavour" to wet their musical taste buds (using youtube, p2p or whatever method to check out tracks), then they default to the older and more popular tunes that require little effort to remember, when this happens tracks can  then hit the "over exposure" barrier and the music becomes so saturated folks dont buy it simply because you can hear it all the time just about anywhere and it ceases to have the same emotional impact, both situations are a lose-lose for the recording industry in terms of future sales and as always its the folks who enjoy music that search out new material on readily available platforms be they legal or illicit, those same searchers have always been proven to be the most prolific purchasers of recorded music.

In the end it seems where folks initially hear any respective music track is of minor importance, ensuring they hear a track and providing an opportunity to hear both more and newer material and allow folks to purchase that material at reasonable prices is the real key to continuous growth in the music market place, being greedy and simply offering digital downloads that cost more per track than purchasing the equivalent CD is simply ripping off those whom try to "do things the right way", digital downloads have no resale value unlike the CD, this should alert customers to the scale of the rip off.

I hope someone in the recording industry gets the message, being short sighted and greedy will simply cut into your profits.

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2018, 04:40:41 pm »
I found the same problem with streaming in general. I tried Apple Music for a while (since it was free for the first three months) and I found it really hard to discover new music. It kept suggesting music I already owned, the lack of unique curation and discovery really turned me off the service. Spotify is a bit better but I found it's really easy to mess up your recommendations.

For example, I had a sick kid and I played a lot of chilled out ambient music like rainfall for her while she tried to sleep through a fever. Now all my recommendations are that stuff and it just wont fix itself. Very frustrating.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 03:13:34 am »

the odder the source the more interesting the music

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2018, 11:15:00 am »
A good part of winmx is browsing other folks files to see what they enjoy and investigating material you may not have heard of , I have found some real rarities and fresh material that way, the sharers act as a collating service in effect and of course if I enjoy something a lot I am inclined to seek out CD's for any older material (on ebay of course  :D), new stuff is often  not the focus of my tastes unfortunately but one or two artists make a purchase worthwhile and keep them in royalities. , winmxer  :yes:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2018, 02:42:20 am »
A good part of winmx is browsing other folks files to see what they enjoy and investigating material you may not have heard of

just hope you dont find some 'new old stock' that was encoded years ago with bladeenc or an albumwrap that wont unwrap ;)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 05:45:11 am »

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2018, 06:03:27 am »
oh trust me, ive used the 'fix' tool many times lol...

..and moreso back on subject... alexa? in your car? hell no! shes a sneak that sends everything said (whether to her or not) back to amazon.....

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Alexa ... - What Music Drivers Ask To Hear In Their Cars
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2018, 10:03:57 pm »
Tbh I dont see any benefit to the human race in the utlisation of over-automation except to make us all lazy and in the process give up our normal freedoms and privacy, mp3 player already loaded and working fine here who needs Alexa  :tongue:

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