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Offline White Stripes

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Channel Rejoiner and wine
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:01:14 am »
since the library function of winmx 3.54b4 is more than a little flaky in wine (acts as if the ctrl key is stuck) i tried using 3.53 on wine instead... big mistake... 3.53 is not stable on wine on its own.. add mxmoni and channel rejoiner to the mix and its a crashy, buggy, memory hogging, cpu spiking, mess...

so if you use addons like rejoiner or moni use 3.54b4 if you want winmx to behave...

but wait, theres more! ... since channel rejoiner is technically not running in wine as a windows app but is running in whats called 'mono' its not truly acting as a windows application even tho it can interact with winmx...
so whats wrong? 8bit characters are wrong... to get rejoiner to play nice you have to join channels that have 8bit characters in their name manually using only 7bit ascii characters...

lets say you join a channel like "Ðävë'§ & Ð꣣'§ HäñgÖüt_4E4109B017B5" ... winmx will join but if you fall from that channel and rejoiner tries to put you back in the 8bit chars will cause mayhem.. everything from simply not rejoining the room to having several chat tabs open each with a slight variant on the rooms name... if it even makes it that far...

to get rejoiner to work the way it should you would need to take the channel name above and change it to "Dave and Dells Hangout_4E4109B017B5" and manually put it in the filter bar and then click join... its not the channel name that matters its that hash at the end of it that does... and channel rejoiner will behave correctly... im not sure if this is a bug that will get fixed or even can be fixed but its yet another needed workaround for winmx without windows with accessories....

also if anyone has any tips on how to 'fix' the library oddness of 3.54b4 in wine im all ears...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Channel Rejoiner and wine
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 09:39:34 am »
I dont bother putting in any of the text to join a room as you say its the numbers that do the work so they are all you need, a lot of the thrid party stuff just checks for the last 12 digits and joins the channel using that.

Its trivial to use some string handling code to fix the rejoiner annoyance.internally.

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