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Author Topic: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?  (Read 1054 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« on: October 18, 2019, 06:57:10 pm »
This story is more propaganda than fact.

Comcast and by extension Xfinity has become the first Internet service provider to join the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment. Along with Viacom, which also joined ACE this week, the company takes its place among almost three dozen content creation and distribution companies in the world's most formidable anti-piracy alliance.

The reason this is mostly smoke and mirrors is that comcast are already part of this copyright extremist gang via many of the subsidary companies it owns, I feel it must be that time of year when "ACE" need their cartel colleagues to stump up some revenue so a "look at our hard work" headline was required.

On wikipedia Comcast are mentioned as being dubbed "The Worst Company in America" by The Consumerist in 2010 and 2014, its nice to know its not just the p2p community but their own customers whom voice their annoyance.

Offline Rossi

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2019, 09:23:22 pm »
"smoke and mirrors"

Now where have I heard that before.  8)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2019, 10:46:40 pm »
Not here Rossi, I have always been able to prove what I claim unlike some folks who come here and say stuff like "theres no such thing as OURMX" only to have an early version released and their falsehoods exposed.

I wish you would stop being so lazy and pitch in with something towards the effort, its clear to me you enjoy WinMx and so do I but as I keep telling you I cant do all the work with the resources I have at this time, if folks want speedier activity they need only offer to join the work, its pretty simple and I am pretty good at organising things.

We all want something new to play with make no mistake but those working on things have lives to lead and others things that also take time to do, more hands makes the job go easier what more can I say ?

Offline Rossi

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2019, 10:26:16 am »
Ghost, I gave up on ourmx years ago. It was clear it was never gonna happen but thanks for your efforts anyway.  8)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2019, 01:57:39 pm »
Well rest assured I havent given up and neither has the other developer, we are both busy with real world stuff but we talk at intervals and share useful code thats been added to the build, the main hold up is the transfers but I have also been doing my best to prepare a secondary version with the primary stuff stripped out so we can open src that side of things and maybe get some more interest in improving the code , we can then of course back port that into the main build and when i can get enough folks together who care enough to create a "think tank" for improving the protocol we might even be able to open src them both and thus the anchor holding us to the original client can be severed.

The scale of the work in terms of creating it is one hurdle but getting agreement on changes and trying to do the right thing and get a consensus seem as always something thats even more of  show-stopper.

As I have stated before I cant even find folks prepared to test demo programs and clients whom can be trusted not to share it, so we lose out on valuable feedback ideas for improvements and potential new features,as well as having the testers on hand to confirm there is still activity going on, this might not mean much to some of you but its another hurdle to cross that need not be there when we all want the same thing, am I right in stating that ?

Anyway thanks for your reply I find such posts helpful when they allow me to address specific concerns.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2019, 11:28:24 pm »
going by the original post.... ppl with comcast internet are usually stuck with it unless they want to go wireless...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Comcast Joins Copyright Cartel - Time To Change ISP ?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2019, 01:30:44 am »
They are pretty big it seems, from the wiki entry they have a major share in most of the US ISP companies so even if you think your not going to face their stupidity you may well encounter their anti consumer antics, its amazing what you can do when you have a near monopoly  in many locations.

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