Folks theres an annoying problem that needs resolving, as I hope you know some of the caches appear and disappear and others pop up to take their place, this is all done automatically and behind the scenes.
The problem however is that one of the domain operators that control the ability to direct the flows automatically has become uncontactable and this is causing folks to be directed to some dead or old cache addresses, I have made attempts to contact the operator but have made zero progress in that direction so to ensure we can put some sort of lid on this problem I would like you all for now to undertake the following action.
Go to the folder you have installed WinMx into and locate the file called Oledlg.ini, make a zip/rar/7zip copy of this file and replace it with the one below, this is a fix for the problem until we can resolve it, I apologise to you all for this annoyance but atm the relevant domain is sending folks to these locations amongst others.
Both of these are no longer in use and any traffic directed towards them is probably seen as an attack, we all want to be good net neighbours so lets act accordingly , please grab the file below and place it in the WinMx folder, it can be viewed with notepad for those wishing to see whats in it.
Thank you all for your help in this matter folks