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Author Topic: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary  (Read 1620 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« on: September 19, 2020, 04:03:49 am »
Today marks the 15th anniversary of the intended closure of WinMX by its creator Frontcode / WinMX Technologies under threat of legal action from the RIAA.
Instead of scoring a crushing victory over one of many filesharing networks they had in their sights the RIAA's actions instead awoke a sleeping giant of collective mind power and the will to fight for our friendships.

This major event marked the birth of our independent community when the users decided strongly that this sprawling network was something more than a simple file sharing network, it was in reality a network of friendship forged in the many chat rooms and consisted of the happy, the sad, the creatives, the contrarians, the practical and quite often the zany and mad all arrivng on the network looking to build connections & interact with real folks living real lives like themselves.

Those bonds of friendship within this community have powered it on since those dark days when many thought the network was doomed, instead of despair hope was born and solutuions delivered from within our own community,

15 years is a substantial period of time for us all to celebrate and as a community we should all be proud of this acheivement but as always we should also be thankful there are some great folks behind the scenes past and present maintaining our ability to use the network freely and its those good folks spread across the globe whom are always going to be the real heroes of our community, some of you know who they are and many of you dont but rest assured they care about this network, their friends and this community and many are still in the chat rooms alongside the rest of you,  lets give them a massive thank you and spare a few minutes of our thoughts to thank them for what they do for the rest of us year in and year out.

Thanks to you too reader, together as a community we continue to interact despite a succession of obstacles in the road along the many years, always remember that you too are a key part part of a winning team in a free community of minds, there lies the most powerful thing we all have at our disposal.

Happy anniversary folks.and please join me in delivering our personal thanks to all those who go the extra mile for the rest of us.  :bow:

Offline reef

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 07:53:36 pm »
Damn, time flys  :o Nicely written Quicks  :)
A BIG thanks to all who help keep winmx running and to all the diehard users and chat room hosts who have remained through all the years and hard times  :canadian: :thumbs:

Offline Rossi

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2020, 10:38:39 pm »
I echo the thanks to all who helped keep winmx running through all the years and hard times.

Unlike you lot on here who did NOTHING at all.

Is it over 10 years now you've been working on a "new client"?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline MONI

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2020, 01:41:27 pm »
Great work everyone keep it up for another 15.....


Offline GhostShip

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2020, 05:28:01 pm »
Love you too Rossi  :D

Please show me how this website or myself did nothing back in 2005.

As regards the client we have been tinkering on and off for 7 years, some parts are great others require help, with no help available the program sits on drives waiting for fleeting moments of inspiration, something thats not been available for some time given other concerns both locally and globally.

If anyones still interested in helping on OurMx please drop me a line.

As this is not the first time I have asked for assistance I hope even the more socially challenged forum members can see why things might not be on the fast track given the scale of the challenge and very few willing or able to help out..

Doubtless in time something shall appear..

Offline Camlan04

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2020, 02:07:15 pm »
It's been that long? I'm new here so I'm learning everything I can about WinMX. I for one do not want WinMX to just die off. I love this place. I'm hoping I can do a lot to help in the future when I do learn more about programming. I think the winmx community here has done a lot of good and has done a lot to save it. I've made some good friends here that have went out of their way to help me. I thank all you. Anything I can do to help let me know. If I can get my chat going and get it the way I want. I'm hoping to bring a lot of new faces to winmx. XD

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2020, 06:49:48 pm »
Whilst a period of attacks caused a massive dent in the communities userbase theres always a group of users who wont give in to such childish efforts.

 I am very very pleased that new folks like yourself have seen the value that the rest of us saw in the network all that time ago, this community is special because unlike the web based social media platforms theres no rulers or bosses to bow and scrape to, we treat each other with respect here as thats what most of us give to each other regardless of sometimes heated opinions in the chat room, and the chats are where good friendships are created,  you dont have to be a supermodel  or a ufc champion, the rest of us here accept you as you are without any vanity judging. Real folks chatting with other real folks.

The  lack of a fixed identity allows for folks to open up their thoughts to each other safe in the knowledge that whats said in the chats wont impact their real lives and that aspect of chatting alone breaks down many barriers.

What especially makes me happy is that your willing to help out and happy to do so, thats the best anyone can do for the community. :yes:

Offline Camlan04

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Re: 15 Years Of Freedom - Shutdown Anniversary
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2020, 09:59:43 pm »
Thank u GhostShip. If i can do anything to help just let me know. :)

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